Damn this is a great countr

There are a lot of greedy people in this thread. Going by some of the responses in this thread if they saw a little kid in the street begging for food they would turn their cheek and walk away :banghead: Amazing how much people in the U.S. doesn't give a s*%t about human life.

And to that comment I will respond that if "I" were to come across as you say a starving child in the street no I would not turn cheek and walk away, but on that same note I would not reach in my pocket and start giving out cash either. Why?? Because if you get down to the dirty truth chances are there is some low life piece of trash somewhere in the background which is gonna take that money which you thought you were giving to help out a hungry child and in reality turn it into drugs/alcohol/gambling whatever their tick may be and in the end that child will still be just as hungry as he was before you thought you were helping him.

Instead I would offer what them what they are really asking for. A meal/food whatever just don't ask for cash. 95% of the time they are begging within walking distances from most establishments and if they are indeed hungry then they should have no problem walking right up to a restaurant and letting me buy them a meal, or even go into store and pick up some bread & lunchmeat or soups, something that will feed them longer than just once. I'm more than willing to do that to help out someone in need, but if they start with all the hub bub and saying they don't like whatever is near or they would rather go somewhere else then that's when I say "Oh Well" guess you weren't starving/hungry then huh?
And as far as that goes I AM one that will give the money to the bum on the street that has the sign saying "I won't lie, I just want a beer" before I would the one's sitting there saying " Homeless,Hungry,Please Help God Bless" or the couples driving around in parking lots asking for handouts saying they lost their job and can't feed their family while there smoking cigarettes and yet there spending money on gas begging for handout.

Not saying that there aren't a lot of unfortunate people out there needing help but you would have better chances just walking up to the roulette table and betting your entire life savings on 1 bet and winning than actually giving someone on a corner money and it actually being used for what it was intended for.

So, Am I cruel/heartless? Maybe. Maybe not. All I can say for me is that if you come and ask me for help that"s fine, Just don't dictate to me how I am gonna do it.
1.....is it snowing everywhere and thats why nobodys rideing n responding to this thread??? 2. Union employees dont get welfare..pay taxes...and do charity work by contributeing % of every pay to united way... 3. Lighten up...go hug a tree or something
you hug trees? explains alot
is that racism or realilty? appears to be more reality to me.

work hard! those on wellfare depend on you.....:whistle:

entitlements in this country make me sick and if someone wants to poke fun at them at their expense thats too dam bad. get off ur lazy ass and get a JOB so those entitlements can go to our war vets, disabled elderly, abandoned children, car accident victims, mentally ill, etc... those who actually DESERVE our FREE handouts.

these people want to have seeds planted in them every other year by different fathers so I can pay for their irresponsible behavior or come to this country and have anchor babbies and never learn how to speak English so they cannot find a job in a country that speaks English and remain lazy and unemployed. I dont think so! nothing racist about that. just cold hard facts!

I dont see the orientals, portuguese or any others coming here bleeding our system dry just because they CAN.

Couldn't have said it better myself
Wow, so it's cool to make jokes comparing minorities to dogs on this forum? Totally not what I was expecting when I clicked on the title. It used to be that I enjoyed having a place like this with such a wide variety of people to discuss these types of topics with respect and insight. Does the OP must really think that the entire population of the .oRg is comprised of middle aged, white males that would think comparing minorities to their dogs as hilariously funny? Perhaps some (mostly white males I'm guessing) completely overlooked the mixed in color statement that prefaced the description, however it was the first thing that I noticed. And for the record, the race card got pulled when "mixed in color" was used in the joke.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but the whole blatant racism thinly veiled in jokes is really getting old.
III, I went back and looked at the OP. I could see how you could take it that way. When I saw "mixed in color", I read it as the dogs were all different colors (a black dog, a white dog, a brown dog) not the way I think you saw it. The rest, pretty much unfortunately, is spot on.

But, I can also see how both of us would look at the same thing, and see it differently. The OP expresses my frustration at the people who bring so much trouble upon themselves but expect someone else to bail them out, be they White/Black/Yellow/Brown/Green or Pink.