Daytona Bike Week arrangements


This thread is started in Honor of our *Canadian Friend Dirty Pete* who is making the pilgrimage to Daytona for the first time.

If anyone has suggestions for his upcomming trip or if you want to coordinate a meeting spot, lets hear it.

So if you have intentions of attending, post under this thread so the Org. can meet.

If there is enough interest we will bring Falcon Cop and sell hios autographed pictures to support the *change counting waitress's* defense fund.
There are still plenty of motels along the beach within 5 miles of town that are not fully booked. If you want to go, move now.

You can still get oceanfront rooms on Atlantic Ave for $160/4 people or $229/6 people per night.

It's going to be $40/night/person for first class water front stuff as long as you group up. Worth it? Depends on your attitude.

Otherwise you're camping, and there are worse ways to go than that.
Thanks Kaw,,all procceds "$$$" from my pic's and advice booth will be sent to "My New addition to my Home fund" Special guest stars TODD,REALCOP,AND NJSP,, watch as they try to suck up to me if they ever met me face to face,,instead of hiding behind a Puter screen.

Hope to see you all there for the B-Org festivities :)

161 ®

[This message has been edited by FalconCOP161 (edited 11 November 1999).]
for Five years a group of bikers and I have stayed @ Orange Camp Ground. Between the track and the beech. They have nice showers, restrooms , pool, clubhouse and a total tame bike environment. We take vans and pickups with camper top. after unloading bikes we use them as tents very comfortable. Cost was only 15.00 per night. I'm looking for the card with phone # and address now will post it tomorrow.