Deal's Gap - Busa Bash...!

I'll be bringing 3 or 4 collapsable chairs, 2 cases of sodas, 2 cases of bottled water, and a bag of charcoal.

i'm sure i can manage a few pounds of hamburger .. maybe if the wifey loves me at the time she may even smoosh em into patties and stick em' in a cooler. and atleast a few coronas.. thinkin' 6 here cuz i don't drink much

haha.. almost forgot i'm also draggin' a vstrom 650 and a kz550 with me.. haha little bro, and old man.
I'll be bringing about 5 chairs and a couple of cases of water as well.  I'll bring hot dogs, buns, onions, relish, ketchup and mustard as well.  Nothin like burgers and dogs on a charcoal grill

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i should specify i'm not coming down till the 24th...

how many peops are interested in eatin burgers on sat afternoon and I'll plan on getting the hamburger and such for that...

i'll probably have a few chairs... and some pop

hmm... is somebody gonna have a grill haven't seen that listed yet?

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You guys must be psychic... Jamie (benzbusa) and I were discussing food yesterday and early this morning via email (before these food posts appeared). I'm bringing charcoal, several coolers, ice, beer, soft drinks, a bunch of hamburgers/hotdogs, buns, potato chips and condiments. It sounds like we're thinking pretty much the same and should have plenty.

That pic of the Orange busa at Mid point , I have one of mine there too, that area is beyondf description with words, you have to view it to understand what I mean..

Went last yr for the 1st time, going back this sept again, will make it a regular trip for the rest of my life I am sure..

Here are a couple of pics.
I have alot of vid, but am redoing my server yet again..

but the old site is still up.. may be some pics in the trips section still..

me @ Bald Mountain

me @ T.W.O. resort relaxing the back...

Gottabusa's tent ;)

the camp..

my tent (the big one)

one of the powerplants

Both Busas in my Truck, thanks to another member..

some pics of about 200, and about 6 hrs of vid...

saw No popo's, and only 3 wrecks, one of which was in our group.

Have Fun! I know I will be back there in Sept. just like last yr.


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Hey guy,s, just thought I,d let you all know, a fellow rider lost his life on the Dragon this weekend, and the local new,s did a story on it. They interveiwed a state trooper about the accident and he said quote " there is a ralley the last week of apirl, and we are stepping up the patrol to make sure this dosn,t happen again" so everybody be carefull, the law is going to be out in full force. As for the people that have never rode the Dragon, it claimes 1-3 live,s Every weekend during the summer, so be careful, or the Dragon will bite you in the ass.
2-3lives per weekend?? nah dude... be realistic they would have closed that highway years ago if that was the case...

quoting from
BULLETIN: April 9: The Dragon claimed its first life since August 4, 2002. Freddie Hughes, Jr., age 25 from South Carolina, lost control near the Wall and slid under an oncoming pick-up truck. CLICK HERE for Daily Time article PLEASE RIDE SAFE AT THE DRAGON[/QUOTE]

the whole article is here..

deals gap is curvy.. and dangerous and all that jazz.. but it's not some killer road with moving chicanes and sharp pointy things on the side of the road... .. it's a road.. i've actually been on curvier and can take you to roads as demanding.. if not more demanding to ride.

this dragon bite thing is a little overblown at times..

S.C. man dies in cycle crash on `Dragon'
April 10, 2004
by Anna C. Irwin
of The Daily Times Staff

A 25-year-old South Carolina man was killed Friday when his motorcycle crashed near the Tennessee/North Carolina line.

Freddie J. Hughes Jr. of Williamston was pronounced dead at the scene about one mile from the state line, according to Trooper Matt Fagiana of the Tennessee Highway Patrol.

The trooper said Hughes was traveling down the mountain on the section of Calderwood Highway (U.S. 129) known as the ``Dragon'' on his 2001 Yamaha.

As Hughes rounded a curve, he apparently lost control. The motorcycle slid on its side into the on-coming traffic lane and underneath a 1995 Ford Ranger truck traveling up the mountain.

The truck was driven by Kevin Mulkey, 27, of Chattanooga who was not injured.

Other motorists stopped to try to help Hughes and began CPR minutes after the crash about 2 p.m. Those efforts continued for 45 minutes as emergency responders arrived on the scene, but the victim remained unresponsive.

Resuscitation efforts were discontinued at the direction of a doctor at Blount Memorial Hospital's emergency medical control.

The body was taken to Blount Memorial by Rural/Metro Ambulance Service. Blount County Sheriff's deputies and the Blount County Volunteer Rescue Squad assisted at the scene.

Hughes' wife was notified in Williamston by a member of the South Carolina Highway Patrol.

The ``Dragon,'' with 318 curves on an 11-mile stretch of road between the state line and Tab Cat Creek, is a favorite area for motorcyclists and draws riders from a wide area.

Friday's fatality is the first on the ``Dragon'' since Aug. 4, 2002, due in part to intensive traffic enforcement efforts by the Tennessee Highway Patrol and Blount County Sheriff's Office.

if such a article does excist i would love to see it.
if it';s looking like rain are we putting this off a weekend or what?
well if we are going to, we need to make that call soon since most of these hotels require some advance notice of cancellations. Is it supposed to rain up there this weekend? I know mountain weather can be tricky at times to predict, but if it was the weather folks here doing the predicting, I'd say you have as much a chance of snow as you do 80 and sunny .....yeah our local folks suck much anus on getting their forecast correct.
current 10 day forecast from says 60%chance of rain on friday, 40%chance on sat

Read more here

So if this is the case, and it doesnt change (which it really probably will) what does the group want to do?
The Busa Bash dates of 4-23/24/25 were selected for minimal conflict with other scheduled events at the Gap. < As you can see at the preceding link, May, June, and July are jam-up with activity. Note that "the last week of April" is the Rally which the Tennessee Highway Patrolman probably referred to as being targeted for heavy enforcement.

Let's go for it...!
The plans are laid, the reservations are set, and if it rains the entire time, we'll at least have a hell of a party. Rain is a possibility on any date.

The death of a rider is always tragic, sad, and often preventable.
This is a quote from the Tail of the Dragon web site (Tail of the Dragon)

<span style='color:red'>BULLETIN: April 9: The Dragon claimed its first life since August 4, 2002. Freddie Hughes, Jr., age 25 from South Carolina, lost control near the Wall and slid under an oncoming pick-up truck. PLEASE RIDE SAFE</span>

Over the years, I've lost a few close biker friends and it really makes you think but, as everyone here knows, that can happen anywhere, anytime. Our prime defenses are experience, mature judgment, skill, situational awareness, and a highly capable machine. Obviously, the Busa Bash is not a race. The Gap is a wondrous place for testing and improving riding skills but there is a time and place for all things. You won't catch me screaming into any blind curve...ever! If I choose to "push it" on a road like the Gap, it will first be thoroughly reconnoitered for familiarity, obstacles and enforcement activity. If ALL conditions don't meet my safety/survival-instinct requirements, I will enjoy it casually. Each to his/her own, of course.

I'll be there with a big grin. I hope you will too.  
I'm with you Warbaby, reservations are set, plans made, if it rains we'll just have a party or we can go crash the events in Cherokee.

So Pure_ego, are you bringing firewood?
I'm there also ... even if it rains some, I'm sure there will be breaks. I'm very sorry about the rider that lost his life and my prayers go out to his family.

I'll also throw some ( a little ) firewood in my truck.

See ya'll there!

yeah I can get firewood... but i won't be there friday night... i got saturday night covered though..

anything else that may be needed?

so rain or shine... guess i better start crossing my fingers for shine..
WOOHOO...I am starting to get excited. I just made my reservation at the Robbinsville Microtel for Thurs, Fri, and Sat...
I cannot wait!
me too.. been looking forward to going back to the dragon since the last time i was there.. haha.
Heck them guys cant tell you if its going to rain tomorrow let alone 10 days from now. I will try to send the clouds a different way on my way down.
Warbaby I am still bringing Brats and buns kinda sounds like there will be more than enough of that stuff.
I got my Moto Rack to haul my bike on today. So I think I got every thing I need to make this trip.
Warbaby do you think you could bring a set of those reservoir covers with you so I could look at them and maybe buy from you?
Should be there around noon Friday. THINK SUNSHINE.
whoooo hoooo.... the forcast has switched to scattered showers and at only a 30% chance now