Deal's Gap - Busa Bash...!

Guys I hope this isn't a sign of things to come but the cops really cracked sown hard on the Gap last weekend. Lets hope this doesn't happen this weekend.

Go here for info.
Me and a couple of guys here from work will be leaving Sunday morning. Hope to be there by 11am. If anyone else in the Asheville area is interested in meeting up for the ride there let me know.

Vman, Myself and a couple friends are staying in candler at tha days inn. We will be there friday night and saturday night. We are riding over to the gap each day. If you want to hook up shoot me a mesage.
The weather just keeps getting better.

Apr 23 Partly Cloudy 83°/49° 10 %
Apr 24 Partly Cloudy 83°/52° 10 %
Apr 25 Scattered T-Storms 73°/48° 40 %
I suddenly have room in my 2-bike enclosed trailer for another bike. Anybody in the D.C. Metro area that needs transportation give me a holler. I'm departing the area on Friday night around 10 pm and expect to be back before midnight on Sunday.


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I suddenly have room in my 2-bike enclosed trailer for another bike. Anybody in the D.C. Metro area that needs transportation give me a holler. I'm departing the area on Friday night around 10 pm and expect to be back before midnight on Sunday.

Oh, that is so inviting! I wish I could make this trip, but I don't think it's in the cards this time...

You guys are going to have a blast!
Weather Update (as of early AM, 4/21) - <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>GOOD ODDS</span></span>

Thu Apr 22  Partly Cloudy 76°/53°  20 % Chance of rain

Fri Apr 23  Mostly Sunny 82°/49°  10 % Chance of rain

Sat Apr 24  Partly Cloudy 83°/56°  20 % Chance of rain

Sun Apr 25  Scattered T-Storms 75°/54°  40 %Chance of rain
- what new has been posted?

- nothing new has been posted!

- NOTHING NEW WAS POSTED.. Ya post whore.. haha

are you coming shoeieieiei?
I will be up there friday evening, and Sunday. Actually I just got back from there.... They were mowing up there so there was limbs and other trash , as long as you stayed left you were OK. I hear the PO-PO.. is getting prepaired for our visit this weekend.
unfortunatly I am gonna have bail on the bash... sucks but can't be helped..

Wife's grandmother has been in the hospital and not doing well at all. I was really hoping everythign was going to work itself out, or atleast she would stay stable thru the weekend. (slightly selfish I admit.. but thats beside the point) It now appears that they really expect her to pass on in the next 24-48 hours...

You guys have a blast... hope the cops don't pester you too bad, and be safe.

I'll be at the second annual busa bash come hell, high water, or flat tires.. (I hope)

I cancelled my reservation at the resort today so there is probably a room avaliable.


It's LOOKING BETTER every day!

Thur Apr 22 Partly Cloudy 77°/52° 20 % Chance of rain

Fri Apr 23 Mostly Sunny 80°/53° 10 % Chance of rain

Sat Apr 24 Partly Cloudy 84°/53° 10 % Chance of rain

Sun Apr 25 Partly Cloudy 76°/55° 20 % Chance of rain

This is my last post until after the Busa Bash. I'm going to the Gap a little early (like today) to scrub-in my new tires, have a filet mignon w/Jack Daniels, get some quality rest (you guys are working me to death polishing Ti cans ), and see if I can still ride a motorcycle after the long winter.

Have safe trips... here's a picture taken today to help you recognize me:

C `ya there
Hey NCBusa, you want to meet up along the way and drive in together? Drop me a note and let me know.

Just take it easy guys and please take plenty of pics for us slackers who will not be in attendance. Be blessed and ride within your limitations.