Deal's Gap - Busa Bash...!

zukracer- Sorry, I just got access to the computer at work this morning (my desktop at home is feeling ill).

My wife gets off work at 7:30 AM on friday and we will be leaving at around 8:00 AM if all goes well. That will put us getting to I40 at around 9:00 or so.

There are two options for meeting. We could meet in greensboro or outside (west) of winston salem (where hwy 109 junctions with I40) which is the fastest for me.

When we caravan we normally use FRS radios to keep in contact.

I should be home by 6 PM tonight if you want to give me a call. (910) 639-0989 cell. If I don't answer just leave me a voice mail and I will get back to you.

And Bigdawg sorry you couldn't make it, I was looking foward to meeting you.

See y'all tomorrow. Chris
Hey Chris,

Sounds good, I'll give you a call this evening. I have FRS radios as well, so that will be good. I'm not really all that familiar with the route up there (yet
) but can meet somewhere along I40. I'll probably hit the road 7-8am which puts me in greensboro ~8-9am depending on traffic. We'll figure it out later tonight

Talk to ya later
There's now 1 room available at the Deal's Gap Resort. Tom, I'm not gonna come this time. Duty calls and I have to do an after-hours systems upgrade Sunday morning. I made the mistake of not putting in for vacation and I got tagged
. I won't make that mistake again. I was packed and ready to go too
. You all have fun and be safe.



Zukracer- the route is fairly straightforward. I40 past ashville to hwy 74. hwy 74 to "topton" then take hwy 129 to robbinsville and striaght on to the gap.

Lets just hope that all of the state troopers that "just had to work" last weekend will get this weekend figure. Hopefully the helicopter will be down for scheduled maintainence or an engine rebuild also. Just wishfull thinking I guess.

Talk to you tonight. Chris
DARN! DARN! DARN! Packed my bags, got some pretty good zzz's, woke up pretty relaxed and hyped for the 13 hours or so of riding, nice strong java along the way, got to the border at Buffalo and guess what...DENIED ENTRY! Why! Because I didn't have my passport with me (thought I packed it). I showed my citizen card (isn't that proof enough?), Ontario Drivers License, Health Card, even my government ID, but to no avail. Pleaded, talked to the higher-up but still no go. After an hour or so, just exhausted from talking and turned around. No one to blame but me, I guess they were just doing their job. So sorry guys, I was looking forward to this. Hope you all have safe fun. Cheers.
This weekend in pigion forge, there is a goldwing rally, in cheerokee, nc., there is a hardly rally, and in deal,s gap there is a Busa Bash, I,ll give you three guess,s whitch one I,ll be going to. Bingo! you guessed it, I,ll see you all at the Bash!
Well, I made it back home in one piece and had a great time up there. Sorry I didn't get to ride with you guys but atleast I got to meet a few of you. I hope everyone else had a good time and we'll have to do it again.
Just got back and I want to thank all involved, we had a wonderful time (except for Tim's incident).  THat had to be the only major downside to the entire trip.  I think warbaby is going to give them a call and let us know how he is doing.  We were just glad we were there to help.  Let me just say we could have easily had a fatality to report.  God speed in recovery.

Tom- Just want to thank you for this opportunity.  I learned alot about my riding, track school will be next.  Your insights are invaluable.  I just hope I can catch up with Don in Myrtle Beach so he can further educate me.

Jamie and Brad- Enjoyed the riding and campfire discussions.  Let me know if you want to take me up on the bike week offer.  

Kevin- Enjoyed the experience.  Good luck on getting Kathy to ride.  Seeing the results of the crash, and being one of the first on sceen really shook Kim up.   We talked alot on the way home and she has decided to continue learning.  Hopefully she will be ready for the gap when we all return.  
Kathy having a sane riding partner might sway her views.  Any how, good luck.

Brian, Thanks for everything.  You definately made the drive there and back tollerable and even fun a times.  Having radios is a must for coordinated road rage.
We will have to go riding in the next few days. I call you and let you know what my schedule is.

Everyone else that I met at the gap, I have to say are a first class, top drawer kind of folks.  Yep, not a slacker in the bunch.  I can easily say that the riders there were a class all their own.  Even if some got passed by a 125 dirt bike,
but I won't mention any names.  

I'll post picutres soon.  

Can't wait till next time, September I hope.  Chris

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Thanks guys for all the help. I did get out of UT after spending Sat night as well as all day Sun in there. You guys are the greatest, I was pleased to meet you all and thanks again for help. I don't remember anything about the incident other than I was the last one to leave the store. I do remember the heli ride to UT. Seen the bike tonight and as you'll may know it looks much worse than I expected. But most important, full leather gear is the way to go. I don't have a clue what happened but do remember you guys were first class. This was my first crash since back in the seventies and just glad it was me and not my son or you guys.
Again glad to see you guys Jamie, Tom, Hooken203, Brian, ATL turbo busa, savannah guy, busanut 1300 as well as the florida gang and several others.
See ya later Tim and Chris
Thanks guys for all the help. I did get out of UT after spending Sat night as well as all day Sun in there. You guys are the greatest, I was pleased to meet you all and thanks again for help.  I don't remember anything about the incident other than I was the last one to leave the store. I do remember the heli ride to UT.  Seen the bike tonight and as you'll may know it looks much worse than I  expected. But most important, full leather gear is the way to go. I don't have a clue what happened but do remember you guys were first class. This was my first crash since back in the seventies and just glad it was me and not my son or you guys.
          Again glad to see you guys Jamie, Tom, Hooken203, Brian,  ATL turbo busa, savannah guy, busanut 1300 as well as the florida gang and several others.
                         See ya later Tim and Chris
Damn Tim I had no idea that you went down.  I'm glad you're ok.  When did this happen?

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Hello Jim
Went down Sat evening about 5 I think. several of us had just returned from cherohaha skyway and decided to make another run to the overlook at the end of deals gap. Don't know what happened, don't remember anything, thought it was going to be just another evening ride but my son said it didn't look like I made even the first turn. Hate I didn't get to meet ya. Tim
Hey Tim, Very glad to see your ok. All of us were very concerned. That was about a 25 foot drop down into that area were we pulled your bike up from. Many of us were shocked as you were riding great all day in the front of the pack. Well again glad to see your ok and we'll see you again soon. Oh and savannah guy (Gatoracer) says hi and get well!
It was fantastic meeting everyone and the riding was out of this world.  I hope everyone had as much fun as I did, and I know this trip helped me re-learn some skills when it came to riding the twisties
 As much fun as riding the dragon was, I have to say the trip up the parkway was probably the highlight for me as far as the rides go.  That was just tooo much fun....even though some folks wanted to try and break the land speed record up there

Tim, glad to hear you are doing well, that was a nasty spill.  We were sitting around getting ready to cook some dinner when we heard what sounded like your back tire locking up and then ran up to the road and unfortunately found you down the side of the road.  Hopefully the damage isnt too bad and you can get back on the road soon.

I've put up some pics from the weekend on my webshots folders here  

I can't wait til the next time we can get up there again and hopefully we can get some other rides scheduled this summer
Que pasa mi amigos? Just wanted to say I had a great time riding this weekend and really enjoyed meeting everyone (ATL for the second time... always a pleasure). Cane and I made it back to my little corner of the swamp tonight and I hope everyone else is finding thier way home safe as well.

Definitely looking forward to seeing some of the pics as soon as they get posted!

TNJ, nice to hear your ok. For what its worth, you ride good. I'd follow you over any mountain bro!!

Now I gotta figure out how to make these trips to the Dragon after I move to Arizona!!
here's one of the pics from my webshots directory. I had to resize it down for the board.
