Deal's Gap - Busa Bash...!

the tree of shame outside the "resort"

looking up the dragon, maybe 2miles into the run from the resort

a view from near the top of the parkway.... a little place called "no name gap"

There are more images as well as full res. pics of all images on my webshots folder.
TNJ - I'm mighty relieved that you're okay. Several of us heard it but apparently no one saw it happen. That was a looong, scary drop.

It was a great shindig otherwise!

I'd like to thank everyone for making the trip and I'm honored to have met each of you. All of you guys are first class...!!! Those long, fast sweepers on the Saturday "Skyline" ride were glorious.

Zuk - Nice pics. I'll post some pics soon too.
It was fantastic meeting everyone and the riding was out of this world.  I hope everyone had as much fun as I did, and I know this trip helped me re-learn some skills when it came to riding the twisties
 As much fun as riding the dragon was, I have to say the trip up the parkway was probably the highlight for me as far as the rides go.  That was just tooo much fun....even though some folks wanted to try and break the land speed record up there

Tim, glad to hear you are doing well, that was a nasty spill.  We were sitting around getting ready to cook some dinner when we heard what sounded like your back tire locking up and then ran up to the road and unfortunately found you down the side of the road.  Hopefully the damage isnt too bad and you can get back on the road soon.

I've put up some pics from the weekend on my webshots folders here  

I can't wait til the next time we can get up there again and hopefully we can get some other rides scheduled this summer
Great Pictures - thanks a bunch for posting! Looks like a great time.

Hello Jim
    Went down Sat evening about 5 I think. several of us had just returned from cherohaha skyway and decided to make another run to the overlook at the end of deals gap. Don't know what happened, don't remember anything, thought it was going to be just another evening ride but my son said it didn't look like I made even the first turn.  Hate I didn't get to meet ya.                      Tim
Glad you came out ok - 25 foot drop off sounds pretty scary!
Glad you guys had fun...and very glad to hear that TNJ is okay...

Thanks for sharing pics! Glad everyone is back home safe and sound...
Sorry to hear about your spill, Tim, I hope you make a fast recovery. I really enjoyed meeting everyone. Sorry my ride to the skyway had to be cut short, but my girkfrind just don,t do the twisties like we do, and I couldn,t just run off and leave her. She really felt bad about the whole thing, but I told her I just didn,t think it all the way through, I should of asked her to stay with Kathy at the motel, while we went for a ride, oh well, it was a fun day anyway, thanks to everyone who came.
Hey guys I made my ride home fine,  even made a trip up the mountain in North GA on the way.   Thanks for the dinner sat night,  it was great,  whoever made the baked beans,   they were awsome!
  And Tim I dont think your bike was bad at all considering the fall it took,  someone should have took some pics so you could see how fortunate you and your bike were.  But glad you came out okay,   another example of what the proper riding gear can do for you!!  And as you guys said before,  everyone was great to ride with.  I think once you get to the caliber of the mighty Busa,  the riders tend to be more experienced and lose the squid tendency's you find in the 600 type riders.  Cant wait to make it up there again,  if there is a "BusaBash"  next year I will be there.   Ohh and want to say that the The Dragon Resort or whatever it was called I stayed at there at the bottom of the gap,  was great.  It was clean,  had a set of bunkbeds and a full size bed, rags to clean your bike,  and you could pull your bike in the room if you wanted.   Recommend anyone that goes up there and wants to stay overnight consider staying there.

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I'll second that about the resort, just tell them you DO NOT want room 8. For some reason that room was 1/2 the size of other rooms

Hey Raising Cane,

When you were talking to Killboy, did he say when he'd have the pics from this weekend up? I checked his site and nothing yet. I know I was muggin for the cameras a few times on Sat afternoon
and possibly on Sunday. Just curious if you knew

Sounds like most of you had a god time. Sorry to hear about the accident. Glad everyone is safe and home. :d
Hey Raising Cane,

When you were talking to Killboy, did he say when he'd have the pics from this weekend up?  I checked his site and nothing yet.  I know I was muggin for the cameras a few times on Sat afternoon
 and possibly on Sunday.  Just curious if you knew

Zuk he said he shoots 2-3 thousand pics a weekend. So it may take him a few days to post them. He told me he also had pics of the accident but wants me to e-mail him and let him know how the rider was first so as not to piss off the family. It was great to meet and ride with you all. Very happy to hear Tim was ok. Look forward to doing it again!
glad to here that tim was ok..been waiting to hear from youse guys since i left...but heyi don't see no pics of my awesome rc51
whats up with that? it was real nice to meet you folks and hope to see ya'll again up there. ya'll was some real hospitable folks. ride safe!!