bottom line is statistically the death penalty has not proven to be a deterrent in states that have it. thats not an opinion, thats a fact. if it was such a deterrent then texas would have less murders then states that have no death penalty. they dont, they have plenty. it cost more money to have them on death row then simply life in prison. if we put someone to death immediately like some have suggested we as a society would have surely put numerous people to death that were simply innocent.
142 people have been either acquitted, charges dismissed or pardoned based on evidence of innocence since 1971. it sure would be a shame to put any of these people to death immediately when subsequent evidence proved they were innocent of their crime for which the state decided to kill them for. either by DNA or new evidence that proved they were innocent or eye witness statements that were proven to be complete BS!
in my experience eye witness accounts of what happened are the most unreliable evidence in any prosecution. take 5 people who witnessed a crime and ull have 5 different suspect descriptions.
of course there are plenty of people put to death that surely committed murder but that fact is there is plenty that were innocent and set free. witnesses lie or get confused, cops lie, prosecutors lie, evidence technicians lie when performing analysis of evidence, (look up the woman in Mass that was just arrested for never even testing over 34,000 cases of her 9 year career that were put before her)
Arrest warrants issued for chemist at heart of state drug lab scandal -
there is no changing the criminal justice system so putting someone to death immediately after being sentenced to death row is never gonna happen. its simply cheaper to give them life without parole so the whole spending money on prisoners for life being more expensive then putting them on death row is absolute nonsense!
once again, death is too good for an actual murderer. I would rather see them suffer in a cage like an animal.
Innocence: List of Those Freed From Death Row | Death Penalty Information Center