Can some one explain why it takes so long? The Williams case has brought it to the fore again but why does death row take sooooooo long and who decides the execution date after so many years .... ? Doesnt one of the ammendments state " The right to a speedy trial " ? Well sometimes the trials dont start till many months or even years after the crime and then the execution doesnt happen for many years. WHY? I would think that you could tri a person then have an arbetrator ( like the govenor or someone ) review the case, then a final appeal and maybe even retrial and your done. So thats 3 attempts to see if all is well or not. Then DONE! Either comute or execute. The way it is it keeps the criminal alive for a way extended time, he can even reform and maybe he really is a better person than years ago ... it costs $$$$ to incarcerate. A more immediate execution of punishment would set a more intimidating example for others that may want to commit similar crimes. In ancient bible times if you were found guilty you were taken outside the city and stoned ( by real rocks ) to death immediately. And whats more the common people took part in it thereby also setting an example for crime deterant. So again I ask why does our process take so long? hmmmm