Deep Concealment Carry/ What would you do?

I wouldnt risk it, if you have the gun and who knows how things will get spun when the shyt hits the fan, afterwards other employees may say they not comfortable with you having the gun even if your intentions are to protect them. in the end you may become the liability for the co. and the crazy guy isnt gonna pay your bills or pay for mods on the busa. this economy its not worth getn fired.

I carry and have a cc permit, but i believe the Fist is highly underrated. if for some reason you think he can take you. No one is gonna say anything if he comes at you or a customer and you have to gut him with your "hunting Knife".:whistle:
Model 642 smithyyyy:whistle:....BUT....lots at stake...anyways........always Taser x-26...or even an C2, wife carries one everywhere where her gun cant go..and contraryto popular belief, they ar not ilegal
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Methinks there's a story there....

Truth of the matter is, it's your employer who has some hard thinking to do they REALLY want this employee mixing with customers? Can they really afford the risk of this guy actually going postal?

I am with you on this one Keith!
Thanks for the quick replies!!
A couple of things,
-The employer has no power against the 'Americans with Disabilities Act' for this guy. they have already checked so he will be among us and the customers and cannot get fired for his threatening outbursts. And yes several other employee's are fearful and brought these issues up with managment. Maybe not high enough IMO.
-A carry Tazer. Nice. I will look into that idea!!
-Concealed carry on the premises or in my vehicle will not get me arrested or the gun confiscated. I just am not able to carry while 'on the clock'.
-The remorse of shooting someone. Been there, done that, I still sleep good at night.
-I am not going to provoke this guy outside of work just to shoot him. Not since this idea has been made public now. . . ???
Thanks for the quick replies!!
A couple of things,
-The employer has no power against the 'Americans with Disabilities Act' for this guy. they have already checked so he will be among us and the customers and cannot get fired for his threatening outbursts.

I'm sorry, I am an employer and I can't believe that's possible. If one of my employees threatened a customer (apparently, more than once) in the manner you descibe above, I can and would certainly fire them to protect my customers and other employees. "Crazy" should not be a disability for working...

This would be the "danged if you do, danged if you don't" scenario. When the guy comes into work and goes postal, is the Americans with Disabilities Act gonna protect the employer? Doubtful...
Why does it have to be a gun ?

This was my first thought as well. What ever happened to a good, old fashioned, @$$ whoopin? IMO and personal experience, people's attitude, confidence, and temperment change (usually not for the better either) when they carry. It's usually the first thing that comes to their mind in a situation, regardless of how small/minor, and can lead to a bad choice or decision. If you feel a gun is the only way to protect yourself from this person, and your employers see it differently, I'd be looking elsewhere.

Good luck. I hope you're able to confront this appropriately.
I'm sorry, I am an employer and I can't believe that's possible. If one of my employees threatened a customer (apparently, more than once) in the manner you descibe above, I can and would certainly fire them to protect my customers and other employees. "Crazy" should not be a disability for working...

This would be the "danged if you do, danged if you don't" scenario. When the guy comes into work and goes postal, is the Americans with Disabilities Act gonna protect the employer? Doubtful...

Keith the US Army had evidence against the guy who shot all those folks at the base last yr but did not act out of fear for violating his civil rights and look what that got us !
Keith the US Army had evidence against the guy who shot all those folks at the base last yr but did not act out of fear for violating his civil rights and look what that got us !

I agree, and being a soldier I understand exactly what happened with "MAJ Hassan"; however, if HE had done something remotely like this he would have been discharged....
Recent law passed employers cannot stop you from carrying in your car, but I would check to be sure..But file a complaint with H.R. about working in a hostile environment, get the lady to do the same, if the company allows this to continue they open themselves up for a suit...
The fact that someone has a mental disability/handicap does not trump the rights of those around them to a reasonable expectation of safety.

Can't let this one go just yet.

From the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation @ Boston University:(Frequently Asked Questions From Employers)

Q. Can I fire an employee with a disability who is not doing the job?

A. The ADA only protects “qualified” employees. Someone is qualified if s/he can perform the job, either with an accommodation or without an accommodation. While legally employers must provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees, employers are not expected to change the standards of performance, or the essential functions of the job itself, with the exception of modifying or eliminating marginal, or nonessential functions of the job. Typical procedures for taking disciplinary actions with employees who are not performing the essential functions of the job can be followed.

IMO he's firable. If they do not fire him they are creating an environment that could easily be considered a hostile/harassment environment and you have an open opportunity to adjudicate.

Time to write a letter to HR, get it in your file, and then lawyer up cause they won't do anything about it.
I just dont want u get fired.Does this guy carry weapons?Could you just knock him out or piledrive his face into floor?
Thanks for the info PandaNin. I am just going by what I was told by the managers. What was said or done above them in the chain of command or even if they know about this, I dont have the info on that.
With a mental disability, this guy would not be legally allowed to carry a weapon. But thats not to say he wont. I got no problem with pounding on someone if they posed a real threat to me and I knew I was in the right to do so. But I would still like to have that piece of insurance with me if he decides to go postal.
Again thanks to all who responded with some good info. I will get some of this info to other employee's and take it up to the higer chain of command to see if something else can or will get done.
There's alot of things you can carry (non letheal) to protect yourself from him if you don't feel you can take him mono y mono.
Put some union pamphlets in his backpack and or locker and management will have him out the door faster that a fat kid hearing an ice cream truck.

Can't let this one go just yet.

From the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation @ Boston University:(Frequently Asked Questions From Employers)

Q. Can I fire an employee with a disability who is not doing the job?

A. The ADA only protects “qualifiedâ€￾ employees. Someone is qualified if s/he can perform the job, either with an accommodation or without an accommodation. While legally employers must provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees, employers are not expected to change the standards of performance, or the essential functions of the job itself, with the exception of modifying or eliminating marginal, or nonessential functions of the job. Typical procedures for taking disciplinary actions with employees who are not performing the essential functions of the job can be followed.

IMO he's firable. If they do not fire him they are creating an environment that could easily be considered a hostile/harassment environment and you have an open opportunity to adjudicate.

Time to write a letter to HR, get it in your file, and then lawyer up cause they won't do anything about it.

Thank you for doing the research...
file a complaint with HR....make it official.

then talk to an attorney, your employer has a duty/obligation to provide a safe work place. a free consultation would take an hour.

because he is disabled, he may not be able to be fired for an "outburst", but he is not protected from a harrassment claim especially is he has a history of violence.....

either way, the HR complaint will go along way to protecting you if something were to happen.

PS: in close quarters, i have seen armed men downed with a knife...before they could even get a shot off.