Depression is NOT a Chemical Imbalance

i belive there is alot that is not explained..but i also believe 50 years ago we did not have all these "problems" additions of chemicals in food, pesticides and gene thearapy...i bleive contribute to alot of these problems...and A LACK OF DISCIPLINE as a child. alot of these labels are just that..labels so we can control ourselves by the pill instead of discipline. again there are obviously those who truely have brain disorders...but for the masses...its simply whinneing in my opinion.

So, you felt like a Human...

Exactly. When the hell did people decide instead of living life and dealing with it, they need medication and drugs to try and get by? Its all weakness and no will power. Its pathetic. Deal with life or succumb to natural selection
Exactly. When the hell did people decide instead of living life and dealing with it, they need medication and drugs to try and get by? Its all weakness and no will power. Its pathetic. Deal with life or succumb to natural selection

So you're saying my cousin who committed suicide due to severe depression was natural selection? Boy, I'm glad we arent in the same room right now,,,
So you're saying my cousin who committed suicide due to severe depression was natural selection? Boy, I'm glad we arent in the same room right now,,,

Or yeah tough guy? :laugh: Are you seriously going to take what i said the wrong way and get all offended? Maybe read what i quoted and then said. Chill out and read first before getting all tough on someone and look like you just did.

If you read what i quoted, I agreed with that there are people with ACTUAL problems. But half of all "depression" cases are just whiney people. I dont know your cousin or what his situation was, I was making a general statement. Take it how you want and get all offended if you are into that type of thing

I spent several yrs getting through life just fine but wasnt happy. I never complained, never whinned about it and never once thought "i need medication"... Call me weak but i can and have functioned without meds, I nade a choice to not have to struggle every day.

So you're saying my cousin who committed suicide due to severe depression was natural selection? Boy, I'm glad we arent in the same room right now,,,

Im sry for you loss...
Exactly. When the hell did people decide instead of living life and dealing with it, they need medication and drugs to try and get by? Its all weakness and no will power. Its pathetic. Deal with life or succumb to natural selection

??? thats a pretty narrow minded statement.

:rulez: medication and drugs do alot of good in this world. im glad i can't get polio, i enjoy a good local when i get a stitch in a wound, im not going to let the flu get me if i can take a shot, and i enjoy a good Diazepam on my daughters birthday (April 9th)and the day she died (july 21st).

:poke:not to mention all the self medicating i do through out the year :40__s::drinka:
does this make me weak, or a lesser human than others? i think not.:moon:
:poke: send me some of those "chill pills" Russell. i wanna give um a try.:cheerleader::beerchug:

i think i get what you were saying. ??? there seems to be alot of folks looking for a quick fix, when there just isn't one. alot of coping is mental and can not be fixed by any pill. ??? is that kinda what you were gettin at??
??? thats a pretty narrow minded statement.

:rulez: medication and drugs do alot of good in this world. im glad i can't get polio, i enjoy a good local when i get a stitch in a wound, im not going to let the flu get me if i can take a shot, and i enjoy a good Diazepam on my daughters birthday (April 9th)and the day she died (july 21st).

:poke:not to mention all the self medicating i do through out the year :40__s::drinka:
does this make me weak, or a lesser human than others? i think not.:moon:

You misunderstand. I didnt mean all drugs. I meant abuse of medicinal drugs and recreational drugs. People that are addicted or feel they "need" drugs, medicinal or recreational, just to live everday life. Its not narrow-minded but could be seen as such. And I know there are people with true troubles who do need such things to cope.

I love drugs, when i absolutely need them. I dont put something into my body unless it is absolutely necessary. HELL YEAH i wanted those drugs when i got my rod put in my leg. Or when my appendix burst and once i decided to go to the hospital 24 hours later i had emergency surgery to have it removed and had suction tubes in my abdomen for 7 days... Im not INSANE :laugh: Sickness and such i take things for obviously as normal people do.

I didnt not say drugs are bad. But people abuse and misuse them. Its easy to take something like I said wrong but there is truth behind it.
I am sorry for your loss by the way... I could not imagine such a situation.
thank you for the explanation.

i guess i get a little touchy this time of the year.

:whistle: think i'll go take some st. johns wort.:laugh:
I think alot of this got started when i may have been taken out of contex.... There are things that have not been explained. There are ALOT of thing introduced into our water... Our food... Our meds.... Our parents before we wereborn... Ect ect ALL of this contributes i am POSITIVE!! are we the bi product of this influx of UNNATURAL additives in our life....and these "problems" a result... YES. But my point still remains... Discipline both as a child and as an adult can Eliminate alot of "dependancy" on these "cures". My father taught me to be analitical and when my mind raced and i got easly distracted... To acknowledge what i was doing and alter my reactions.... Slow down... Be in control of my own mind... Not look for the answer in a pill. Have i had symptoms of adhd... Yes... Have i had depression.... Yes.... Have i had paranoia... Yes...have i had anxioty... Yes...have i had fears... Yes.... And i used mental discipline to acknowledge them for what they were...not reality!! i wish the best for those overwhelmed.... By whatever ails them... I prefer to teach my children self awareness and self mental discipline instead of becomeing like i always remembered from one that flew over the coocoo's nest... "time for your medication!!!!" all i saw was the huddled passive masses and swore not to become one of them!!
Depression is when you are 20 feet down a 100 foot ditch with your pick & shovel in the rain and you hit a rock the size of a buick. When you get the the end of that ditch, you are cured :woot:
Sorry Russell, Im pretty sensitive about that. Her and I were really close growing up together, and I got pissed off she was letting herself slip down a hill that she went down pretty fast. She overdosed on oxycodone on christmas day 2002. She was found dead on the couch at 6pm and wasnt removed til 9pm cuz the coroner had to be called in. That was really hard to deal with,
Dianetics and Scientology were written by a writer who pulled this stuff out of thin air to make money on his book. He sailed around the world on his yacht banging women and dodging the IRS. A first rate scammer, please don't believe anything from old Ron "I'll bang you" Hubbbard. Talk about people being led by a nut case. It only survives because new younger people or people who don't remember this shyster get sucked in. The guy is more popular dead then he ever was alive. It took on a life of its own once he croaked. Unbelievable!

All true. And not only that, but LRH was a writer of science fiction before he invented Scientology.
Sorry Russell, Im pretty sensitive about that. Her and I were really close growing up together, and I got pissed off she was letting herself slip down a hill that she went down pretty fast. She overdosed on oxycodone on christmas day 2002. She was found dead on the couch at 6pm and wasnt removed til 9pm cuz the coroner had to be called in. That was really hard to deal with,

Im sure it was a terrible loss and Im sorry. I just didnt want you thinking I was insulting those who truly have problems. I was making a statement that there are people who dont have problems that feed off of meds or do it for attention or whatever reason their stupid minds come up with. Its an insult to those that actually have to deal with depression and other disorders.
I was making a statement that there are people who dont have problems that feed off of meds or do it for attention or whatever reason their stupid minds come up with. Its an insult to those that actually have to deal with depression and other disorders.

Well said, Russ.

Also, the dependence on medication for everything seems to be a uniquely American thing. I know of no other country where people will take prescription drugs at the drop of a hat.

And in case anyone wants to accuse me of being insensitive, I'll point out that I am intimately familiar with what depression can do to one's family.
Well said, Russ.

Also, the dependence on medication for everything seems to be a uniquely American thing. I know of no other country where people will take prescription drugs at the drop of a hat.

And in case anyone wants to accuse me of being insensitive, I'll point out that I am intimately familiar with what depression can do to one's family.

we are one if not the only country that allows the direct to consumer market of drugs.

for me i dont believe in psych drugs. its not a religious thing just personal exp. if it helps someone cope, they function and live out their life, who am i to knock it.