Boss Hog and Rosco P. Coltrane...I did some time ago in Georgia, since I was doing well into the triple digits when I noticed a patrol unit light it up. So I just dropped to 4th and hit the limiter, shifted and pinned it. Soon, I passed a trooper that lit me up and gave chase, but couldn't catch up at my speed. He was driving the Crown Victoria so only was capable of 134... Further up the road was a white Z28 with black tint and he came after me but I had my turbo on full boost since I had been at the strip the previous day... I was running low on fuel by then but figured I ought to just make the state line into South Carolina. I was on my way home to Northern Virginia since I was visiting a friend there. I noticed a cluster of flashing lights up ahead and figured roadblock but weighed my unfavorable past into the equation and figured my time was up. I was approaching at nearly 200mph when I hit the roadblack and exploded in a ball of fire... I stood on the pegs to clear the impact and did a superman into Rosco and Boss Hogg killing them both on impact.
I woke up in a cold sweat and enjoyed the fantasy...
I knew it, you are one sick Puppy...