Documents released.

The entire incident was all on video....and not MSM video but lots of private video....

Trumps' interaction with the crowd was on video, his thanking them and professing his love for them trying to circumvent the electoral count is all on video.....him calling his then vice president a coward for not stopping the electoral count is also on video...the crowd chanting "hang Pence" is all on video......they wouldn't be chanting that unless they got their signals from Trump.....

What is puzzling is how he was able to get through all that and still be allowed to run for election again......

People from both sides of the aisle should be really concerned that an attempted insurrection happened in their lifetime.......
Hi. Bee have you ever seen an attemped insurrection were the people were unarmed? I have never said that whar they did was ok it was a crime. I still want to know who was the first person that went in. Who was he his name or was it planed to all go at the same time. There are what 100s of hrs of vids has anyone watched them all? Did the Jan 6 th commission watch them all.
Hi. Bee have you ever seen an attemped insurrection were the people were unarmed? I have never said that whar they did was ok it was a crime. I still want to know who was the first person that went in. Who was he his name or was it planed to all go at the same time. There are what 100s of hrs of vids has anyone watched them all? Did the Jan 6 th commission watch them all.
I'm sure they watched them...

How can you as an American and one who has fought for your country not be outraged that an attempted attack on the very fabric of your democratic process was initiated and carried out armed or not....

Here he is in all his glory....

Hi. Bee have you ever seen an attemped insurrection were the people were unarmed? I have never said that whar they did was ok it was a crime. I still want to know who was the first person that went in. Who was he his name or was it planed to all go at the same time. There are what 100s of hrs of vids has anyone watched them all? Did the Jan 6 th commission watch them all.
None of us know what the panel has reviewed for evidence. No attorney practicing law would not want to introduce any evidence that would help their argument be won. If it exist, they will track it down by court order.

So I as an American have to assume that any and all evidence would be made part of this effort.

I myself have seen what appears to be video evidence that shows cooperation by some capital police. It appears to be showing favor to the insurrectionist. I have to assume if I've seen it, so will the panel.

Trump is well versed in legal proceedings. His attorneys aren't ambulance chasing. No way do I believe we see evidence they don't.

Trump has not been convicted of anything in this regard.

I'll let these proceedings run their course.

I don't like Trump's rhetoric on this. It makes him look complicit in it. Staying he will pardon them all, and that they were patriots, doesn't help his image for me at all.
Go ahead and tell us how one political party doesn't dominates in the use the MSM to gas light us. The country has been invaded by millions of illegal aliens... a portion of them are released prisoners and nut cases from mental institutions. The Biden Harris administration with the idiot named Myorkis as the head of Homeland Security is the worst thing to have happened to this country in decades.

As far as Comer goes... he has the goods, the proof... but, with a compromised DOJ and SC that is living in the knowledge they could be attacked by vigilante types at any time shows all of us the the leftist marxist imbeciles that want power over everything are ruining this country.

In your world... if the alphabet channels report it then it has to be true no matter how many times they get caught lying or selectively omitting certain facts from a news event.
You keep going on about the "alphabet channels" I don't have cable and don't miss it except for sports. Come out of your head for a second. There's stuff out here that's pretty cool.
Trump has not been convicted of anything in this regard.

I'll let these proceedings run their course.

I don't like Trump's rhetoric on this. It makes him look complicit in it. Staying he will pardon them all, and that they were patriots, doesn't help his image for me at all.
Mainly because the trial hasn't happened yet. Much like the Georgia election interference issue, Trump danced around doing anything illegal while pushing ethical boundaries to where they don't exist. I doubt that the Jan 6th trial will bring a conviction for Trump.
He continues, without pause, to say things that don't help his cause. I truly believe he's hopelessly addicted to the media attention it creates.
He is not now, and may have never been, fit for office.
You speak as though your fellow Americans are some sort of enemy only because they don't follow the same political ideology as you do......

Bottom line, the people running in an election are not entitled to the same degree of protection as the sitting president that these nuts are after Trump, Biden authorized a step up in his protection...that doesn't sound like someone that would relish seeing Trump eliminated to me.....

Government people whether democrat or republic do not want Trump eliminated as it would rise him to martyrdom which would be very bad for the country....bad actors in other countries like Trump and would like him to be in power.
I will summarize it all for you here.... Politics is the Entertainment Division of the MIC. The Bankers finance it and the Feds do everything in their power to get the taxpayers to pay for it. The Feds simply borrow the rest to cover the difference.

We now have so many liars spewing hate and division in an attempt to bury their own diabolical hideous ways like Oct 7th that to continue on this path will lead to an end result that could be the downfall of this time and place in human history.

The next 5 to 6 years is going to determine the path humanity chooses. The old systems either break down and become obsolete or we continue on the path of tyranny, deception and the rights of citizens to be further trampled like we seen happening since the Feds major upgrade called the Patriot Act.

We don't see much in the way of accountability in government these days. What we are witnessing is how effectively can people with power and money dictate to the governments of the world their own kind of dystopia.

Big changes are upon us... will we obey or disobey the orders coming from the top of the pyramid?

I am simply a spectator in all of this chaos taking place. Its obvious to me some power driven people cannot stop themselves from attempting to run the whole world as they see fit.

Hard to believe you would say that a certain group of rich and powerful people wouldn't want to see Trump dead. Just look at all the people that turned against Trump once he announced he was going to run for POTUS. This all happened well before he did anything considered controversial.
Hi. Bee have you ever seen an attemped insurrection were the people were unarmed? I have never said that whar they did was ok it was a crime. I still want to know who was the first person that went in. Who was he his name or was it planed to all go at the same time. There are what 100s of hrs of vids has anyone watched them all? Did the Jan 6 th commission watch them all.
No, they didn't watch all the videos... they selectively hand picked the ones that made their case. Why do you think Tucker was fired from FOX? Tucker was exposing the hypocrisy of the Jan 6th Committee that was nothing more than political theatre meant to grab your attention and side with the democrats and their stage act.
No, they didn't watch all the videos... they selectively hand picked the ones that made their case. Why do you think Tucker was fired from FOX? Tucker was exposing the hypocrisy of the Jan 6th Committee that was nothing more than political theatre meant to grab your attention and side with the democrats and their stage act.
Once again…BS
No, they didn't watch all the videos... they selectively hand picked the ones that made their case. Why do you think Tucker was fired from FOX? Tucker was exposing the hypocrisy of the Jan 6th Committee that was nothing more than political theatre meant to grab your attention and side with the democrats and their stage act.
Even if there are videos of the protestors barbequing and offering the guards a burger, there's plenty of clesr video of policemen getting rushed and pinned by mobs, officers getting hit with poles and sticks, sprayed with chemicals, had their masks grabbed violently...what other videos could possibly justify the assault? You absolutely have to be kidding. You go on and on about a lot of questionable beliefs you have, but the assault January 6th was just that: an assault on our Capital. I heard more than one person refer to the protestors as heroes, which is asinine. There is zero excuse for the actions of those people.
Even if there are videos of the protestors barbequing and offering the guards a burger, there's plenty of clesr video of policemen getting rushed and pinned by mobs, officers getting hit with poles and sticks, sprayed with chemicals, had their masks grabbed violently...what other videos could possibly justify the assault? You absolutely have to be kidding. You go on and on about a lot of questionable beliefs you have, but the assault January 6th was just that: an assault on our Capital. There is zero excuse for the actions of those people.
No excuses... I can agree with that... however... who are these people? Who are they really? What alliances do any of them have with any group already known for burning, looting and destroying people and property like what we saw in 2020. You speak as though you think you know who all these people are... well... you don't know... you never will know with absolute certainty unless they confess their true alliances's.

Me thinks you still think the Russian collusion story that Hillary paid a million dollar frame up price for was real.

You support Biden and yet he got 21 million from China alone... the same country that has killed a 100 million of it own people... that is the guy you supported.
Me thinks you still think the Russian collusion story that Hillary paid a million dollar frame up price for was real.

You support Biden and yet he got 21 million from China alone... the same country that has killed a 100 million of it own people... that is the guy you supported.
Wrong on both counts. I believe in the findings of the Russian collusion investigation and I’ve told you countless times I’m not a fan of President Biden. I think he’s still better than Trump, which isn’t saying much.

Our former President
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You speak as though your fellow Americans are some sort of enemy only because they don't follow the same political ideology as you do......

Bottom line, the people running in an election are not entitled to the same degree of protection as the sitting president that these nuts are after Trump, Biden authorized a step up in his protection...that doesn't sound like someone that would relish seeing Trump eliminated to me.....

Government people whether democrat or republic do not want Trump eliminated as it would rise him to martyrdom which would be very bad for the country....bad actors in other countries like Trump and would like him to be in power.
This country wasn't based in a political ideology... It was based on the words contained inside the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and all the Amendments that followed. We don't need a 2 party system to function as a country. What works best is when we unify as one people and one country not beholden to any other country. Interestingly enough we have a lot of bad actors from foreign countries interfering and threatening us politically as well as all the other ways they can conjour up. I could care less about the artificial division expressed as pub or dem... doing the right thing to preserve America so it doesn't get destroyed from within would be a great place to start.

However, if the political powers want to cut energy production and depend on foreign nations, spend and borrow more money we don't have, change the immigrations laws and financially support illegals with billions of tax payer dollars while our veterans that served this nation suffer needlessly... then, this nation will eventually fail.

The world can move on without the USA... it was an experiment... and it did quite well until everything was infiltrated and corrupted until it dies from within. Not sure how the story ends just yet... however... it will take some real leadership and commitment to restart this country and get it moving again in the direction it was going when it had great success and world class people running it.

I identify as an American... no pronouns, no gender dysphoria, no political party affiliation that can be used to divide us. The laws were written to maintain an orderly nation of people unified by the freedom granted us in the founding documents.

Don't think for a minute that the two shooters didn't have a support system... we have seen this act before.
Wrong on both counts. I believe in the findings of the Russian collusion investigation and I’ve told you countless times I’m not a fan of President Biden. I think he’s still better than Trump, which isn’t saying much.

Our former President
Gretchen Whitmer? That clown that staged some phony assination attempt and got caught? Please... set the pipe down.
I'm sure they watched them...

How can you as an American and one who has fought for your country not be outraged that an attempted attack on the very fabric of your democratic process was initiated and carried out armed or not....

Here he is in all his glory....

While we evaluate all of that... let's see where this one goes.
