Dress code.


I know it's a bit warm out and in AZ it's down right HOT. but riders don't do it.

Here in AZ I think today I passed 10 riders riding in Shorts, T-shirts and no helmet. just think about it. If it's 103 out the road has to be 120 plus you could cook a egg on a side walk what would it do to your body if you go down. Yes Gas prices is moving faster than a Busa but it isn't worth it to save a buck. so if it's to hot out for you take the cage. if you do have to ride gear up riders gear up.

THINK and be safe riders.
Im guilty,today i rode to and from work with just helmet and gloves as far as gear goes,first time i ever rode without my leather coat and boats,maybe im just getting too comfortable but it was nice not cooking while sitting in traffic
I'm guilty of not wearing all my gear on a hot day, too. But I can pass out from the heat (I take meds that can cause that) and a cage isn't always an option.
i stick with the gear year round and i wet my t shirt and open the top part of the jacket to stay cool. works like a champ up here.
I wear the Gear on the BUSA Because I ALLWAYS end up over 100 Somehow....

Now in the Boulevard.....Tank Top, Helmet, Jeans and Gloves when it is Hot !!!!!!
I had a guy pull up next to me at a stop light this afternoon wearing shorts, tank top, flip flops and sun glasses. He was on a Ninja 600 and wanted to race.
I know it is not good but i have ridden many moons with helmet and thongs and will do it every change i get. Oh yeah shirt and shorts too. lol..................
I rode in Pheonix last year. The temp hit 104f before noon. I was still in full leathers, even in traffic. It felt more hot without the leathers than with. If it too damn hot for you then there are at least two options. Drink more water, or take a cage and use the AC.
I don't know man.  Gear sometimes too much gear gives a rider the false sense of security.  I ride with a full face helmet always but if it is hot I ride with a T-shirt, jeans, and leather boots.  I know a leather jacket with keep some scuffs off but will not keep a bone from breaking.  I had an accident back in 05' slid through the woods about 150 to 200 feet.  I hit a few small trees on the way in.  The thing that saved my back was a laptop in a bookbag.  Just got through loading a map in my buddies pc.  I woke up opened the bag and parts just fell out.  Gear helps but don't make it out to be some invisible sheild.   The best gear is ride safe and look out for the cages because they are not looking for you!  Sh@t! sometimes you have to look out for other riders too!
I HATE to say it but......I too have been known to wear shorts (even though they're long, they're still shorts), and t-shirt, but I feel naked without a helmet, LOL ?? Honestly eccept for leathers, it's all coming off anyway, right ?

I must know it's stupid, because whenever I do it I'm aware of EVERYTHING !!! Like EEEEWWW, if I went down there it would be UGLY (rocks, and glass)
Perforated textile jackets are great for this very reason. They may not hold up a well as leather but the hold up better than skin.
T shirt, jeans pants/shorts, & helmet mostly. To much humidity here in FL. Oh yeah and gloves. But they for comfort(gel padded) & has no finger tips. I've witnessed it first hand and feel if at all possible a person should wear protective gear. Just that I'd rather not have my mind/body going "damn I'm overheating" And not be able to pay full attention to the road. Plus nothing like showing up at my location in the stench of sweat!

I don't ride my bike doing stuff like going into the twisties and such. If I ever planned a days ride on something like the dragon I would def put on gear.

I have a female friend who rides an R6 and she wears a protective net type jacked. I am considering one of them. gonna let her test run it a little more before I dish out the $$.