Dress code.

Perforated textile jackets are great for this very reason. They may not hold up a well as leather but the hold up better than skin.
What kind do you have ?  I was looking at Tito's (shadyguy1), and it looked nice. He said it was pretty cool also.
In Sarajevo, I have a basic Joe Rocket mesh jacket that I bought a several years ago for $99. It has a Back Pad, shoulder pads and elbow pads as well as the usual adjustability in the arms and waist.
Also, I bought a tourmaster mesh three layer jacket in April for my trip cross country to the bash. It performed very well and has a thermal liner as well as a waterproof liner. The $239 I paid for it was money well spent as I used every feature it offered during my stateside travels from the early morning cold of the Cherahola skyway to the late spring heat of Louisiana and south Texas.
I don't know man. Gear sometimes too much gear gives a rider the false sense of security. I ride with a full face helmet always but if it is hot I ride with a T-shirt, jeans, and leather boots. I know a leather jacket with keep some scuffs off but will not keep a bone from breaking. I had an accident back in 05' slid through the woods about 150 to 200 feet. I hit a few small trees on the way in. The thing that saved my back was a laptop in a bookbag. Just got through loading a map in my buddies pc. I woke up opened the bag and parts just fell out. Gear helps but don't make it out to be some invisible sheild. The best gear is ride safe and look out for the cages because they are not looking for you! Sh@t! sometimes you have to look out for other riders too!
Completely disagree.

First off, I'll take the false sense of security because of the actual security it provides. Get it? Fact is, there is no false sense of security with gear, you still have to ride safe. Are you suggesting that you're going to be more careful with just a t-shirt and shorts? Nah. I don't think so!

Secondly, if you go down and get a broken bone, you'll have had that with or without gear anyway. The gear will protect you, however, from road rash. Why not eliminate as many injuries as possible? Proper boots and helmet are probably the most important component on the list.

Riding safe is only one component of injury prevention. Do that, of course. But don't bet that it's going to be enough. It ain't.

"If it's too hot for gear, it's too hot to ride!"

"If it's too hot for gear, it's too hot to ride!"



I'm guilty too... Helmet, gloves, jeans and tennis shoes.
Had our first official heat wave up here in the NE last week I couldn't wear the jacket on the way home from work I always wear the helmet and jeans, but when its over 90 and the humility is in the 70's, either the Busa stays home or the jacket comes off
I'm guilty of this offense. I've ridden from Albany, GA to Dothan, Al and back(about an hour and a half each way) in only board shorts, flip flops, helmet and gloves. I had a t-shirt but it was in my trunk.
In my last accident I was wearing my axo mesh protection. Not made for street but I came out without a scratch. The jacket needs to be replaced though... It;s perfect for the heat, specially for Qatar heat, plus protects your spine, chest, shoulders and elbows pretty well. again not a single scratch on my body and landed pretty bad on my back... wish it extended a bit lower to my ass, coz had a blue cheek for a month.

here's the link AXO
I must add though that the quality of the mesh is very very extremely sensitive, so when your putting on and taking off make sure you handle with care... I must say I was surprised to the kind of protection in gave me... I will definitely by me another one, better than wearing nothing in the heat!
?......Just say "wet" "vest", under mesh or textile. No sweat...no...REALLY !!!!
As the org has grown, I am seeing more and more people on here making feeble attempts at justifying their decision not to wear gear. Anymore, I have stopped wasting my breath with people I ride with. If you wear gear, great! If you don't, that's your business.
I live in humidity central also. I do not get on my bike without helmet, leather jacket, boots and gloves. I am always in heavy jeans on the ride, but sometimes I add mesh overpants on long rides.

I don't dress to ride, I dress to crash. And I love my wife too much not to gear up. I would like to be around for a while.
Perforated textile jackets are great for this very reason. They may not hold up a well as leather but the hold up better than skin.
ive had many mesh jackets and i say the icon timax 2 is the best. feels damn sturdy. btw if you're not wearing leather or very sturdy riding pants you might as well wear shorts cause jeans are coming apart asap in a slide. i still wear jeans though and wish to hee the icon jeans fit me
I live in humidity central also. I do not get on my bike without helmet, leather jacket, boots and gloves. I am always in heavy jeans on the ride, but sometimes I add mesh overpants on long rides.

I don't dress to ride, I dress to crash. And I love my wife too much not to gear up. I would like to be around for a while.
+1 why
being stupid. Think of your familys people. What would you think if your riding buddie could have saved his life riding to the store down the street if they were wearing the PPE. Sorry to bring the post down but these things happen without warning. Good post Michael.


As the org has grown, I am seeing more and more people on here making feeble attempts at justifying their decision not to wear gear. Anymore, I have stopped wasting my breath with people I ride with. If you wear gear, great! If you don't, that's your business.
D@MN Straight...... "Respect Brother !!!"......





I see a lot of guys riding with shorts and flaps here in Arizona. On the way home from work I was on my GSXR 750 when 2 kids blew by me. both were riding the rear wheel and and both had no shirt, no helmet, and flaps.