If they are "doing dope" they shouldn't have kids. If the kids suffer due to lack of funds, take the kids. There are plenty of people that would adopt them and give them a better life and a better chance at a successful life
i must agree. i have to work to support my family. In order for me to be able to get and stayed employed, i must submit to a drug test in order to recieve money that i am willing to work for. (i have no problem with this). Some of that money goes to help those who are without jobs and for many government funded programs. I have no problem with this either if they are truly "in need". Ie a person has lost thier job for ecenomic reasons, health reasons etc.. On the other hand, in my daily job i see people who have no desire to even attempt to get a job. They are content laying around and waiting for the government to support them. Some even use there medicaid to "doctor shop" and get free pills, oxy, lortab, percs. and so on, then the sell them for cash. This is one of our major problems for my agency and many other law enforcement agencies. That pisses me off. So i say if they are going to test me for putting forth the effort to work, then why not test those that claim to need assistance. Only seems fair. My .02
I say that if they get welfare, have them clean gutters in streets or do other jobs nobody else wants. 1) it provides a service, so our money isnt completely wasted and 2) it motivastes them to get off welfare, which should be the goal in the first place.
Also, they should be required to be on birth control. If you cant afford to live on your own, you shouldnt expect me to finance more kids for you. Those who want kids and work but cant afford them shouldnt have to pay for people who cant afford kids.
Make them take the test, if they pass, we pay for it ...we will anyways, if they fail, they pay. If they don't pay, they don't get another opportunity to receive help.
If you are doing drugs you should not be given free money to buy them out of my tax dollars! If you can afford pot or whatever, then you could spend that money on food or other necessities instead of wasting it on drugs!
Hmm I dont use drugs nor think anybody should but what about the ones who abuse alcohol? The drunks get the wellfare $$$ ???
How about ciggerate smokers? You know puff puff 2nd hand smoke has proven 2 be hazerdous.Do they get the $$$ if they smoke in there house around kids???
I dont really disagree with what this thread is saying.I just hate see kids suffer 4 what parents do.I know alcohol its self not illegal but driving drunk with a kid in car is.
they can take the test on their way to their community service jobs... you want my tax dollars? pick up cigarette butts, fix pot holes and do something our community needs..
no free rides....
Umm, so LEGALIZE them, tax the hell out of them and there ya go!Theres a problem with that argument:
Alcohol is not illegal
Cigarette smoking is not illegal (not yet anyway)
using something like marajuana or cocaine IS illegal.
Umm, so LEGALIZE them, tax the hell out of them and there ya go!
People, (ESPECIALLY poor people) aren't gonna stop chemically altering their brains to escape their sad reality. The war on drugs will NEVER work until you remove the demand. There will ALWAYS be somebody willing to assume the risk, and supply illegal drugs, no matter what the penalty because of the potential reward.
Oh, and I'm in favor of testing. If you can't give up a habit long enough to get some help to get you on your feet, you don't deserve the help.
My point precisely!If drugs were legal like alcohol, how fast would these drug cartels fall apart.
We didn't learn anything from prohibition.