ECHR Summer Ride I -- June 13, 2009

Wow. I missed yet another great opportunity. Tried to change my oil last minute Friday night and, well...ran into a couple issues. Bike is back together and ready to run, but that didn't happen unitl yesterday afternoon. At one point I was sure I was gonna wind up lodging a 1/4" driver into my garage floor. Very upset! >:( Once it got to a certain hour Friday night I realized that I wouldn't get enough sleep to make a full day ride the next day. Once again...maybe next time.

Thanks for the invite and the pics. It's good to see y'all had a good ride and good day. I WILL catch up with y'all for a ride SOMEday. :)

We wished you could have joined us too. Any time you need help wrenching let me know.

Saw your signature, I had a 1980 Suz GS750ES, and I drag raced a 1980 Suz GS1100ES with a Vance & Hines big bore kit (back in the day).

We wished you could have joined us too. Any time you need help wrenching let me know.

Saw your signature, I had a 1980 Suz GS750ES, and I drag raced a 1980 Suz GS1100ES with a Vance & Hines big bore kit (back in the day).


Appreciate the offer. In hindsight, a bit more experience on hand would have probably been helpful in this past session.

Yeah, I still have my GS550ES but I must admit that I don't ride it much since I've acquired the Hayabusa. However, I will shortly be giving it a new battery and fresh tires. Still haven't decided if I'll hang on to it or give it to a home that will let it run a bit more. :)

Sounds like you made the most of the 1980 GS bikes in their hey day. I, on the other hand, only got my GS in 2006 and I haven't done much more than short local rides and a bit of commuting with it. That's kind of how I see it at this point, a good around-towner. Of course, it's also got a really comfy seat and riding positon and it's a bit lighter than the Busa as well.
great pics fellas...wish i would have made it...i see alot of familiar face...big rod postal and big g i see you i wish i would have gone....