Virginia Spring Ride 2006


Dang! Am I a "crafty" photographer or what? "Crappy" you say? LOL!

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I hit this corner while decelerating from about 90+, I am not bragging, I am just happy I lived to tell about it. The corner is a sharp, almost 180 degree corner. Of course, I was only doing about 5 mph when I went around it.

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I just thought this was a cool shot....

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Another view... That's probably my hand in the picture to the right.

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Loaded up in Harrisonburg and headed back to Stafford (2-1/2 hr drive). The ride started at 10:00 AM in Harrisinburg, and ended at 4:30 PM back at the Sheetz gas station in Harrisonburg. The End!

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Yea I'll say...looks like an awesome ride. Sorry I missed out on this one. I'll definatly make the next one. I'm sure it will be hot as balls by the...
Greta pics Tom ... does Warren's dad ride as crazy as his son??
Where do you think I learned my craziness from? I remember as a kid hanging on for dear life a few times when he'd open up the KZ1000 to stretch her legs. I see a pattern here actually... he had to have the king of the hill ('77 KZ1000) back in the day as well.
Warren, you can be proud of your dad, which I am sure you are.
Definitely. I couldn't have asked for a better father and friend. He's definitely got an impressive cycling resume as well! Despite all of the bikes he'd ridden through the years, I think he'd gotten comfortable with the Goldwing lifestyle until a few years ago. I went with him to browse bikes at Colemans in Woodbridge and talked him into an FZ1 impulse buy. He's still got the Wing, but the FZ keeps him young.
Excellent ... and I do understand about the FZ keeping one young. I hope to meet him one of these days!!
Well, Tom pretty much covered things with his pictures, but I'll attach the few I took here as well.

Here is the always photogenic Yamahor showing off his chicken strips (or should I say chicken wire?) From the wear patterns I could see, it looks like he might have slightly leaned it over once or twice. His lean angles rival those of a Boss Hoss I think.
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One of the thousands of photo-worthy views on this ride... images missing