Electricity... I still don't like it.

(fsusux @ Sep. 20 2006,15:14) I got ya all beat! I once took 17,700 volts while putting up a base station cb antenna. And I actually got up and hobbled away. I still have the scars on my toes from the exit arcs.
You didn't take A/C....

I work on 7200 everyday and the people I know who grounded that are dead or are missing arms. That's me on the right at the office.

(diesel @ Sep. 20 2006,22:45) You didn't take A/C....

I work on 7200 everyday and the people  I know who grounded that are dead or are missing arms. That's me on the right at the office.
Thankfully, the steel antenna mast was firmly planted in the ground. I'm told that I probably didn't actually touch the line, but rather only got close enough for the electricity to arc across the gap. I was grasping the mast with bare hands but the bulk of the current stayed with the mast. I did nearly lose my right big toe and the last three toes on my left foot but since the wounds were instantly cauterized the docs were able to save them. Incidently the the current exited my converse high-tops through the stitch holes where the upper meets the lower. All my friends said that I had a completely different personality after that.

It is not something that I look back on with much fondness.

Thats the cliffs notes version. There's a lot more, but not for here.
(jessup @ Sep. 20 2006,11:42) Well the tale of my bathroom remodel has at least gotten funnier.

1. Turn breaker to bathroom off. done

2.  Drill hole in wall through plaster lathing. done

3. Grab wires to wrap... started but not finished.

4.  Realize that this particular light fixture is on a completely different breaker.  Done the hard way.

5. Pick self up off floor and giggle uncontrolably from near death experience...done.

I know go in search of the next appropriate breaker holding a light bulb in my hand that I can light solely from the remaining charge in my body.

If I don't post in an hour I am probably dead... Tell my wife I loved her and it is her fault I am dead for not letting me hire an electrician
 I kid... Don't tell her I already have.
click me for the video

Harbor Freight sells these neat tools for $6. They're called volt meters. They can be used to detect electricity and even tell you how many volts are present! Home Depot also sells similar items but they want a little more for them. Everybody should haver some kind of electrical tester if they do their own maintenance. They also come in handy for automotive uses as well.
(MoosesBusa @ Sep. 21 2006,09:41) Harbor Freight sells these neat tools for $6. They're called volt meters. They can be used to detect electricity and even tell you how many volts are present! Home Depot also sells similar items but they want a little more for them. Everybody should haver some kind of electrical tester if they do their own maintenance. They also come in handy for automotive uses as well.
Sad to say I own one... I thought that the ALL the bathroom electricity was from on breaker but apparently it is on two seperate breakers. At least I could provide you yahoo's with some entertainment...

My next installment will be the time I fell of a cliff.