Eliminate pair valve with resistor?


APE sells some block off plates for the pair valve ports in the valve cover to completely eliminate the pair valve. The problem is that it will throw a code that can only be "tricked" by putting some resistance between the 2 wires in the circuit. My question is what size resistor? Does anyone know? APE knew you could do it with a resistor but didn't know what size.
Look at the trouble-shooting/testing section in the manual for that circuit and see what the ohms should test at. Then you should simply need to add a resister within the specified range. If you don't have a manual, just test it with an ohm-meter on the circuit to get a good idea.
I haven't seen exactly what he did. He told me that there are 2 wires in the plug and he just made a jumper wire to connect the 2 when unpluged. He has no FI light now and has not had any issues with how the bike runs. I don't know if this is good or bad just sharing what he has done. He is LoCo_Busa_73 if you need further info...:beerchug:
Sorry, I dont understand what do you mean by yr friend jumped it out with a wire, care to explain in more detail. Thanks.... ???

They call them shorting resistors, but I think finding the right resistor might be better.
Can someone clarify what the restance of the resitance of the circuit should be. Are people suggesting that the wires can simply be shorted together? Thanks.
Go to an electronics house that sells resistors. Buy any size resistor. The bigger the piece of glass, the more heat it can withstand.

This is like a kick stand switch. You connect a ground and a hot to complete the circuit. Say you short something to ground direct. That will cook the wire and there is your smoke of the short in the system.

But if you take a simple tail light bulb, use this as your resistor, that light acts as a resistor and takes the 12v to heat the filament to glow.

So if there is a switch waiting to connect two wire together, that is like you turn the key on and the tail light turns on that completed the circuit. Same principal you touch two wires at the kick stand and that completes a circuit acting like a key switch.

If you do not short a fuse, then the PAIR wire works like a turn signal flasher is to touch both wires to complete a circuit. Same old loop said so many ways.

Stick a paper clip in each pin connector. If it has two wires at the PAIR, that says connect me together.
just made them up haven't figured out price yet, thinking something like $10, plus $2 shipping or something.

Schnitz (another sponsor here) has the reed blockoff plates on their site, i dont think i will be selling block off plates just the connectors

Block Off Plates, Air Injection, Suzuki Hayabusa * Schnitz Motorsports Inc


Do you still have Pair Valve Eliminator Plugs in stock? Also, how much would shipping be for Hawaii? Can i pay for faster shipping?