Eureka Springs, AR MnG May 30-June 1, 2014

Looks like my wife/daughter want to go to a fly-in that weekend, which means I am do I get a room again?
Oh, no, you're going skydivr? :rofl: :p

Well, first you need to call Point West (is that the name of the place) and see if there are rooms, then you need to plan your route there...I saw your scenic trip and though, while scenic, you may want to arrive there while this is going on :p
We are leaving right after work on the 23rd, driving to Kansas to see Omar's family, grab a few things from storage, then heading to Eureka for a few days of riding and creating memories with a great group of oRg members :thumbsup:

Cannot wait!!! Just hoping my wrist/arm cooperate so I can enjoy the riding part :laugh:
It will be good to see you and Omar also and everyone else, and meet new people, we will see everyone in a couple weeks.
I will try to make it, but depends if they let me off work :please:
Are you riding or trailing there?

not sure yet, i was planning on riding like i always do...however, i was planning on doing some needed maintenance on Lucy and putting her back together this next week...however, i have to make another trip to MS when i get off work on Monday to pick up my truck that blew a head gasket while i was down there helping some friends that got hit by tornadoes last week...if i get too pushed for time, i might just throw everything on the trailer and go
Folks - I would like to find a pleasant room mate to share expenses Fri and Sat. I may snore a wee bit but I will respect you in the mornings. I'm also not on here much. First come first served; please. PM prob works best but I will share my home number 618-659-2497 if you want to try that. As I recall - I don't think I can edit a post long after I post so I am reluctant share my cell number. I hope for some fine weather for us. I will probably be staying in the Branson area perhaps Wednesday and Thursday. Life is good!
Well...I DID put new tires on and wash my bike this weekend....

Did you see a few posts above you, if you want to split a room with someone? Bruce only snores a bit, he likes to cuddle and he'll still respect you in the morning? :p

So, are you in or not? Are you riding there? for a penny...

Skydivr...Rm 202...Thurs 29th thru Sunday......