Telling ya, I had a blast on the little Zuma... The scooters knock all the pretense and bad boy outta ya so your left with nothing to do but have a good time... [/QUOTE]
Dude, you aint kiddin'! I haven't got off the thing in the past two days.
The buyer remorse went away on the trip to the BMV for plates!
There's a few other nice things about it.
1. I don't have to be paranoid about it. Run to Target or Home Depot with the Busa and all I do is think about what may be happening to it out in the lot. I swear that every horror story I've ever read on here goes through my mind. Will some idiot let their kids play on it? Jealous punk squid key it? Will a soccer mom yacking on a cell phone back into it with her SUV? Will a couple of guys throw it in the back of a truck and leave. Will the kickstand sink into the asphalt and tip over?
2. Shock value. Get on the highway and start passing cars in the fast lane and the look on peoples faces is priceless. First thing they do is look down at their speedometer to see how fast their going and then look back at me with a wtf look on their face. Engine moding should be fun and cheap...wonder if I can get her to crack 100?
3. 2.1 gallon fuel tank gives a range of about 170 miles. I heard something on the news today about barrels of oil nearing record highs.
4. Maintenance and tuning. Most difficult thing is a valve adjustment and get don't even need to remove the valve cover. There are dials on the side of the head, unlock them, move outward till you feel resistance and then one click back in, relock and your done. Most ingenious thing I've ever seen on an engine.
5. That pop up headlight and digital dash is just too damn cool!