Trucker Mike
They Don't... It's not even sorta healthy bro... That's not how marriage works, at least not for very long.So, a couple of friends and I went on a ride to Ocala,FL. from Orlando,FL. on sunday morning. Sorry camera broke on by the time we got to the 1st stopping point, anyway,. It was a pretty fun morning/early afternoon ride, about 150 miles total. Well, I get home and see a SUV sitting in my driveway that i've never seen before. I was freaking out, insert all the diff reasons you could be freaking out about at this point,. I hop off the bike and go inside to see what the heck was going on. I almost had a freaking heart attack by what I found out next. " Surprise honey, do you like my new truck ?" I wasn't mad at all, but we did not discuss this or anything. I had to beg for like a month straight before she gave me the green light to go get the busa!!! So, why do women get to go do/buy anything they want without permission but the guy has to beg ?
Neither my wife or I can "veto" what the other wants. We discuss and disagree and maybe buy it anyways.She buys clothes,furniture,and stuff for the house and kids. I buy boats,Busas,and stuff for me. Sounds fair. We both work and have stayed married for 20 yrs doing it this way.I come home and find a new leather living room set a week later she comes home to the stealership dropping off a K8. It works for us. Some of you guy need to ask for your balz back!
Pretty much the same here, it's evolved over the years as finances and stuff changes but yeah keeps it simple.The $50.00 rule. I have lived with this rule for 33 years now. Neither one of us can buy something over $50.00 unless discussed with the other. Sometimes its a pain, but more often than not it works. Some items are exempt from this rule. Direct part replacements, TV dies, battery for the car etc. Got my 2nd Busa on this rule, after totaling the first! Its worked for both of us and kept "hard feelings" to a minimum. I guess it not for eveyone, but it does work for us.
That is exactly on the money (no pun intended).It's all about give and take, Works wonders, and it has nothing at all to do with "Being the Man" it's all about being in love and doing what works best for everyone.
why are you in a bad mood?Wait, wait, wait.
JR, is this your wife? Or your g/f? I didn't see it stated.
If this is your wife....that's f*cked up. This kind of stuff NEEDS to be at least DISCUSSED prior to doing it. I'da killed my ex-wife if she ever did something like that while we were married. But then again, she is a dunce when it comes to financial decisions, and I held the veto card over her.
Now that I'm divorced, I do what I want, when I want, how I want, where I want, with whom I want. And it'll stay that way until I die.
But if she's just your g/f....go get your screw on in the back seat!
+1 here. Either one of us can spend a reasonable amount of money like 100.00 but over that its at least mentioned to the other one. I have a great wife that is actually better than I at spending wisdom. But it sounds in this marriage that aint a big deal. At least not a super big deal. If a wife (say my wife for arguement sake) does something like that but is TOTALLY uncharactoristic, and you can afford it, than I'd be happy for her. If my wife did that and we could afford it, I'd give her a hug and say (jokingly) don't ever do it againPretty much the same here, it's evolved over the years as finances and stuff changes but yeah keeps it simple.The $50.00 rule. I have lived with this rule for 33 years now. Neither one of us can buy something over $50.00 unless discussed with the other. Sometimes its a pain, but more often than not it works. Some items are exempt from this rule. Direct part replacements, TV dies, battery for the car etc. Got my 2nd Busa on this rule, after totaling the first! Its worked for both of us and kept "hard feelings" to a minimum. I guess it not for eveyone, but it does work for us.
We each have veto/probationary power if we feel strongly about something one way or another. She wanted a Pathfinder, I wanted a 4x4 so it was win-win.
If she had pushed for a Toyota Highlander I would have vetoed, and we wouldn't get that one.
It's all about give and take, Works wonders, and it has nothing at all to do with "Being the Man" it's all about being in love and doing what works best for everyone.