Exhaust Myths vs Reality

If I put the rs3 bolt ons from yosh to the stock sytem will I have to remap the bike? I have the stock air filter on but am considering the K&N filter. will that affect the bike to the point of remapping with the yosh cans?
If I put the rs3 bolt ons from yosh to the stock sytem will I have to remap the bike?  I have the stock air filter on but am considering the K&N filter. will that affect the bike to the point of remapping with the yosh cans?
You should be able to get by with the stock map. The K&N will not improve air flow but it will last a long time. Good luck!
I should check here more often. Please send the PM again - it never made it.

I ordered and received the merge collector from Burns Stainless. Really nice work. Building the pipe is a ways off but I'll sure think about where it gets done.

The engine in my car is getting installed 90* from stock so that a driveshaft can couple to a differential. The pipe from Cali would require custom fitting and the car would have to be in the shop fof the correct fit and routing.

As it stands now the engine is all done and in the garage so it may have to wait for the next go 'round before going with another cam.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate the help and will come back with fab and dyno results once it is done. In the meantime I'll be reading posts and learning from others.
Hi Gene ,

I have resent the PM . Tommy definatley knows his stuff . I am not certain if you plan to take the car there or not but maybe and email to him might be of benefit in regards to the other car exhaust he was preparing to do last we spoke ;

Good luck !

For those that have not heard of Burns , man O man they are the merchants of cool . They are even using Inconel .

Wow my head Hurts Now...! Ok If I got all this together now the smaller dia. Tube should have more suction on the next opening cylinder Pulling out the exhaust and filling the cylinder more effectivly.. That seems to be the reason that a 4 into 1 works better with more flow than dual exhaust. or 4 into 2 The gases expand rapidly trying to get out that is why if you have too much back pressure. you lose power because the cylinders don't completly fill with fresh Air and Fuel.. Even a Harley will have more power with a 2 into 1 Pro Pipe.
I also understand that all the PC III does is hold the injectors open a couple hundreds of a second longer to inrich the motor more. If you don't have a Oxygen sensor how will to compute know how long to do this.. I had vance and hines straights on a VTX 1800 and everyone said map it for $275. and it would cure my popping out the exhaust all the time. I was thinking I had a air leak where the pipe meets the head. Not ! Once I remove the pair Valve and pluged every thing the popping stopped cost me $.30 for the rubber plug.. The on board computer will adjust the air fuel mix somewhat if needed..
I lost horsepower when I switched from the full race yosh to the Brock Race pipe (sidewinder) lost 10 hp sucked but I like the look of it and yes I had a custom map done by a professonal.
(Pops Roos @ May 26 2004,12:59) So I guess my 169 hp isn't to shabby either with full Yosh duplex race 4 into 1 and PC usb Oh and pair mod???
considering mine made 168hp with the same setup, I would think your right
Wow, good read. I was hoping to buy War Baby's kick@ss bike earlier this year but it was sold by the time I was ready.
(WarBaby @ Feb. 23 2006,14:16) You're welcome. Very interesting specs! Please let us know how your project dyno testing/tuning goes.
Well it has been quite awhile since last posting and I wanted to give an upate on the custom header made for my ride. I've included a few links to show what's up.

I am building a sandcar with an NA 1397 prepared by Heads-Up Performance. My overall goal is to influence torque and Burns Stainless came up with a design and merge collector. I found a truly capable craftsman in Woodburn, OR.

Next weekend is wire termination and startup. Eventually I want to dyno the car but that will be some time away. For those who want to know . . .

Complete SS system cost:
SS and fabrication $575
Merge collector and header design $375
SS Spark arrestor/muffler $65

After sorting the car out I'm making it street legal. It probably weighs 1300 - 1400. That should be fun! Thank you again for your encouragement.


Oooohhhhhhh.....ok...I get it now.
The smelly hot air goes through that pipe thingy on the bottom
and goes out the muffler and that make me go vroooom!
sweet. I was totally confused before.
Glad you get it, I guess.

WarBaby asked for results and that's what I have. Yesterday was eddy current dyno day at Loynings with Doug and Daniel (Goldenchild). they teamed up and made my 1397 produce 179 wheel HP and 204 sprocket HP and a pancake flat torque curve. Not bad considering my car has a differential.

Link to Dyno run:

Thanks for your help Warbaby and Goldenchild!

WarBaby - thank you for the excellent exhaust system primer! I'm going to be setting up a Hayabusa for sport touring, so my goals (from the enhaust) will be (in order of importance)

1) reasonably quiet
2) more mid-range
3) more torque across the board
4) better mileage
5) weight reduction

Top end isn't really an issue. I'm thinking a 4-2-1 is the best compromise, now if I can just figure out everyone's primary pipe sizes and get some idea of max dB, I'll be able to make an informed descsion.

I'm looking for the loudest exhaust system outthere for my future busa. Anyone has try the roaring toyz?
Thank you!
Great post WarBaby !!.....but when it comes down to it.....how to distinguish the lets say....the best top 5 pipes?.....when it comes to flow....manufacturing quality.....fit..weight....ground clearance ....when it comes to "lean angle"...sound.....etc. ??......my spread in choice has come down to either a Brock "alien head"....or an Akrapovic "titanium" with a carbon fiber can.......also...the difference between 4 into1....compared to 4 into2 ???......would appreciate your opinions.....and other members too on this issue??.....thanks.