F@ck my bike!

1200 sandpaper DOES exist! It dont exist at HomeDepot!!! I told you that you hadda go to your local Autobody Supplier for most of your needs! I told you to call me and I would have walked you through the paint procedures....
When you pm'd me back saying you would call if you had any problems, I thought to myself...."That would be too late".
Color matching usually comes down to the base color your using.  It's all about the base..... usually. Stop using Home Depot and Lowes for your painting needs. Go to an auto painting supply shop. They have what you need.
Everything is fixable bro. Just relax and take the advice of the others and get in contact w/ the people here that can help you out...

BTW- Nothing wrong with trying to do things yourself, even if it doesn't always work out.I like to try and do things myself. And I've F'd up many things along the way.
hoping to send it to thepushercg and hell put an ass whipping on them panels for me and after i mount them on my bike and then ill feel alot better
ordered over 100 bucks worth of color-rite paint(didnt even really match) and waited a week for it to arrive because i figured i could paint my own inner panels and some new gsx-r mirrors,
but it came out so f@ckn bad that i almost lost my sanity right there in my garage!!!!!

and i guess now i gotta come up with another 400+ dollars to deal with raceready
another lesson learned the hard way
Why didnt you send them to William at raceready in the 1st place?



ordered over 100 bucks worth of color-rite paint(didnt even really match) and waited a week for it to arrive because i figured i could paint my own inner panels and some new gsx-r mirrors,
but it came out so f@ckn bad that i almost lost my sanity right there in my garage!!!!!

and i guess now i gotta come up with another 400+ dollars to deal with raceready
another lesson learned the hard way
Why didnt you send them to William at raceready in the 1st place?



for posting pics it's really easy to have them hosted too. Go here imageshack.us/ select ur file and hit host it. Copy the link under "hotlink for forums" then paste in a reply or whatnot.

Sorry bout the paint tho!
man i dont know WTF i did! LOL
thanxs for the compliment thats my baby and shes a never ending project cant really tell in that pic how much ive done to it but i got alot left
What did you sand them with?? it looks like the raw plastic is reacting with the primer. Im still looking at the pic and cant figure it out...
i hit em with bull dog and smoothed them out and primed them with the color-rite base but it just came out messed up wasted an entire can too lol