That was my initial idea... But the dang signals have to be 8.5 in apart. If the weather ever gives up I'll take a pic of the final product.. It doesn't look too bad..
I work for DOD and ride my bike on base and have the integrated tail light. and they have never gave me a problem or did a inception. What base are you at where they are acting a ass like this
Lol yeah I'm military... And the only reason the turn signals are on there is because of texas state inspection. I preliminary use hand signals... Any time I don't.. I'm probably going to fast and it wouldn't of made a difference to signal or not
I work for DOD and ride my bike on base and have the integrated tail light. and they have never gave me a problem or did a inception. What base are you at where they are acting a ass like this
Why? You ask... BECAUSE!! I got my base sticker confiscated today...
WHY? You ask... BECAUSE it was improperly mounted on the bike. It needs to be affixed to the bike. I had it mounted on a plastic plate. Then it was slide between the windscreen and the guages.. REMOVABLE! the guard didn't like it as much as I did. Mind you: it's been mounted and displayed this way since december.
An hour later I have a new base sticker. Mounted on another plate. Bolted between the mirror base and the fairing..
On my old bike, I had a small aluminum plate mounted on the fork for my sticker. Most bases are getting away from base stickers now and using a small barcode sticker that they scan when you come on base. It's a lot easier to hide the new style and it's not as terrible looking.
Lol. As legal as I need to be... Two lanes I made sure it was the same guard..
He looked at the bike expecting me to not have a sticker already. Found my new sticker, reached over gave it a quick tug. Gave me a nod and waved me thru...
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