Lots of good advice here. Even after you go back and pass with flying colors... be honest with yourself. Don't go out on those roads until you know you are ready.
Good Luck!!
Why do you say that???? Thats my story!!
I failed the MSF course the first time, never dropped a bike or anything, just the normal struggles with learning clutch/throttle control getting the coordination, and of course, the dreaded figure 8. After that defeat, I took it again... and failed again (minor stuff that added up).
After the second defeat, (they almost didn't let me get a third chance!!) I bought a busa
. I didn't give up cause I knew I had it in me, after practicing going back and forth to work, going on the highway, getting gas, making u-turns, emergency braking etc...
I decided I was ready to get legal. Took it again, got the same instructors as before. Everything I had practiced paid off. Passed with flying colors overall and was ranked "unofficially" in second place (there was a kid there who rode dirt bikes since he was like 10... I can't compete with that!)
then again... well... don't go to accident/crash section.. nothing to see there
That was after I put on about 3000 miles on my baby (2000 of those legally).
Anyways, don't get discouraged. evaluate where you're at, if u can't get your hands on a old bike to practice, take the pre-BRC course where they let you ride around on the bikes for a couple of hours. Try not to over think anything. What they teach you in the BRC, although basic, is critical and requires continual practice to perfect.
believe in yourself, but of course, always be real with yourself. Good luck