False neutral

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must be your evil twin? Or one of your other personalities? BTW, how many these days? :) :wink:

Anyone else hitting a false neutral between 5th and 6th occasionally if you don't click it in firmly? It is disturbing when you are going at those speeds to have missed a shift and hear the synchro gears grinding...
Take your shift lever pivot snap ring off. slide shifter off pivot without removing shift rod. Clean the inside of the shifter pivot hole. Clean the shifter pivot. Lube with something slimy. I use disc brake wheel bearing moly grease. Put it back on. Send me $5.00. Repeat every 600 miles when you lube your chain.
Funny how the same ole things keep coming up as newbies arrive---not that it's bad, it's that the population is growing like CRAZY. Just the other day I noted 1276, now over 1330 members!

Adjust shifter down to fit your stance and do what MicroNuts said.
hehehe couldnt resist Marc
Kirk, you might have a good idea with lubing the shifter shaft. I have been using Mobil 1
for a while but it hasn't really helped, but good thought anyway.
SlowBrain, because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it is therefor rider error or bad technique you dumb ****! I have had 28 personal bikes to date, run my own repair shop for the last 16 years, and wrote the book on motorcycle technique, repair and maintenance. It was merely a comment to see if anyone else had experienced the same problem, and at least some of the responses were intelligent. It is because of the presence of knowitall moron amateurs like you on this board that I spend most of my time on LaBusas.org

morons like you that a lot
I am not a newbie on this line lantapussa, I have been on for a year now but this board is a bit stuffy so I spend my time on the advanced level board. At least there I can call someone a dumb f,u,c,k with it looking like "dumb ****".
Juanski, you stupid a**, you yourself said you didn't click it in firmly. For an illiterate like you, I'll make it simple: if you are having a problem and you are not clicking it in firmly, CLICK IT IN FIRMLY. DUH!

By the way, your last sentence at 0254 am made even less sense than your original question.

[This message has been edited by SlowHand (edited 12 July 2000).]
Topic: False Neutral
Answer: Which One?

Topic: If only one mod, which one?
Answer: Brakes

If question which two?
Answer: Brakes, gearbox.

Nuts.... your subframe made contact with your rear rubber yet? I'm waiting for the recall so I can hassle my dealer from hell again :;

[This message has been edited by Tangram (edited 13 July 2000).]
Listen up SlowBoy and I will carefully reword for your sake...by clicking firmly I am referring to an intermittent problem where an abnormally firm pressure is required to engage top gear. Everyone else seemed to understand and replied normally, however you seem to have a comprehension and personality problem. However, I took the useful advice about lubing the shifter shaft and it seems to have helped.
You stay on this board now Slowboy, it suits you well. And keep interacting with others, your personal and cognitive skills will grow over time. I will be heading back to labusas
now that it is up again.
Curious Tangram, who is the dealer from hell, Carnell by chance??

No, I keep my arse clean by using toilet paper!!!

thank you!

York 21 / 22 July. Be there to see me and Fearsome K battle it out!!

pissed as Nuts!! :wink:


your post....seconded

you also forgot the bit about the CCTA and the fuel injection problem...

[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 13 July 2000).]
Juanski, if you will look at my first post you will not find any abusive or insulting language. Just good advice.Your reply was both abusive and insulting, and now you have your panties in a bunch and are going to run off to LABusas because the mean men were picking on you over here. Grow up.

Not to critique you, but you in a round about way implied that he was not shifting properly...

I hit the false ones too. I always click firmly.... Perhaps it is a problem with some bikes and not others.

Just my two cents
I too have hit this 5/6 neutral. Hair raising experience a couple of times. This is bullshit, and is not a technique issue or a grease your pivot issue. This is a problem in the transmission that I am personally persuing through my dealer. I have logged many miles on three different Suzuki's over the last 7 years, and this never happened on my other bikes, ever!! There is something not right in that gear box. I have greased my pivot and adjusted my shifter, when I bought my bike, as everyone should, and used Synthetic oil since my 3rd oil change. My bike has 12k miles now, and it still finds neutral between 5 and 6. It's not right. I'll keep you posted, without all the sarcasm.
Adowell, no problem. Remember, he said that he was not shifting firmly. You say you are. There is an obvious difference in your techniques, or at least the descriptions.

Motorcycles should be shifted firmly, although not everyone does.

I have no problem with anyone who is missing shifts. I really have no problem with Juanski, either, although I felt that his reaction to my first post was a bit childish.
I too hit a FN from 5 to 6 gear yesterday. Although I thought it was me not hitting the shifter firmly enough.

I am of course, a newbie on the 'Busa(not with sportbikes), and my bike only has 200 miles.

I hope this is not a case of a less than developed transmission and just a case of breaking in both bike & rider. In comparison, my ZX11 occassionally had a FN from 1 to 2 gear when it had less than 5k miles on it. After that, and after I went to synthetic(Motul), I never had ANY missed shifts. Made the shifting lighter as well.