Fighting the legal system

Lots of bad advice here. You're screwed on the ticket. There probably used to be a warrant for your arrest, but they fall off the computer after 2 years since that's the statute of limitations anyway. You were ultimately found guilty in your absence and the fine was assessed. What you're seeing now is an administrative suspension through the state. It's very similar to a mechanic's lien, except it's not on a car, it's on your license. They'll hold your license until you satisfy the fine with College Station. You can show up in College Station with all the proof in the world, but the fact is that the case has already been disposed of. Your only option is to pay College Station for the fine then settle up with whatever surcharges the state has assessed.
I did talk to a lawyer today, The original citation and any other information will be gathered and I will fight it.... I did manage to find a ace in the hole - employment and payroll records from then, they show me at work on a towboat on the day the citation was written. Now all I have to do is find the old log book for the boat I was on. All these recorded are kept and stored somewhere. He (lawyer) said we can also file suit against College Station for the hassle and wages lost due to missing work. This has already happened 2 other times in the last 3 years, I'm tired of giving in and paying for something I didn't do. I still have a few attorneys to call and ask some questions...
Not sure how other states do it but here in Fl if I pull you over and you have no I.D, but give the name and date of birth and it actually comes back to "someone" that halfway matches your description, then a thumbprint is required on the back of the citation in case it is false info. Should be pretty easy to tell if something happens later on.
I did talk to a lawyer today, The original citation and any other information will be gathered and I will fight it.... I did manage to find a ace in the hole - employment and payroll records from then, they show me at work on a towboat on the day the citation was written. Now all I have to do is find the old log book for the boat I was on. All these recorded are kept and stored somewhere. He (lawyer) said we can also file suit against College Station for the hassle and wages lost due to missing work. This has already happened 2 other times in the last 3 years, I'm tired of giving in and paying for something I didn't do. I still have a few attorneys to call and ask some questions...

sounds like hes just out for some money...damn those blood suckers :P
How did you renew your current liscense if it is "suspended"?

I haven't renewed or was able to get tags for my bikes. for an update, I did manage to get all the info needed including the original log book for the boat I was on ot the time. The lawyer is getting with judge and it will soon be dismissed including the ticket i got for driving with suspended lic.I will end up spending about 200.00 more fighting it than paying it but it is worth it. As far as recovering my lost wages, I will never see it..
Sometimes its more about the principle than the money, though money is really a driving factor today (sorry for the bad pun). It does sound like you got what you were after - a clear record and conscience.
we really need to change the law to make those who mess up accountable. Including the local and federal govt. If we are penalized then so should they be for example they should be liable for your court and attorney fees at the least as you were falsely charged. I understand the whole defend yourself thing but at the same time if you are innocent why should you pay.