Finally.........after A Lot Of Waiting Around For Parts She Is Finally Having The Supercharger Fitte

Interesting. Are you reading boost pressure as well? Did Andy add any dwell to the spark like something around 120%?
I haven't got a clue to be honest Steve, I work 73 hours a week so just leave him too it lol, I'm sure if you ask him on FB he will respond but thanks for the info :beerchug:
Had just over 300 bhp at 75% throttle on the dyno on Saturday 11th Feb, then the billet clutch started slipping :(:banghead:o_O HD springs on the way, just teething problems I guess but frustrating nonetheless. When its all done, hopefully by this coming weekend then I will post the charts etc on here.
Yea I'll ask. That is lot of hours dude.....if you have no time to ride I can fly out there to ride it for you..... :thumbsup:

Haha I own a gym Steve so do those hours Monday to Friday but always have the weekends off for "playtime" :bounce::):race:
The consensus of opinion is that the Brocks Clutch Mod I did in 2014 is incompatible with the billet clutch so taking the Brocks off and putting her back to standard and adding HD springs and hopefully that will solve the problem. Just waiting for the standard parts now, hopefully here by Thursday then crack on with the dyno. Fingers crossed all sorted by the weekend, I so need to ride her :drool::race::cool:
Battery charging issue sorted by replacing the toasted rectifier connectors :banana:, now charging at 13.84 volts instead of 11.4 :D. Some parts arrived for the clutch and some didn't, hopefully tomorrow :rolleyes:.
The stock torque limiter is better for higher HP such as yours. It sort of acts as lockup.....and I say that loosely....I forgot about that and assumed you had it in still. Right on.....almost there...
I think this title is miss leading finally and still almost 2 months later? Looks like soon it will finally get together. Sweet bike and great thread.
The Hayabusa APE billet clutch cylinder support was for a Gen 1 but rather than send it back it's been modified to fit so more delays but quicker than posting it today (Monday), maybe getting to the seller Tues/Wed then wait til Thurs/Fri for it to come back, at least this way its quicker...soooooo mapping starts again tomorrow 21st Feb 2017 :bounce: and as for anxious, I feel like an expectant Father :banana:sooooo full report and stats tomorrow fingers (everything!) crossed :super::race:
Todays two steps forward one step back story is that the clutch master cylinder partially seized, sorted now tho so hope to start mapping again tomorrow, with Gods grace. Anyway the weather forecast for this weekend in England horrendous but I still want her back, even if I have to go and get her in a van :(