Finally.........after A Lot Of Waiting Around For Parts She Is Finally Having The Supercharger Fitte

man alive look how straight that power band is!!!!! I love it!
You do understand with the powerband like that will determine the kind of ride you will have?
Let's investigate this. Do you see the correlation?

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Haha I tend to ride pretty fast Steve but I'm NOT a wheelie king coz if you are wheeling you are feathering the throttle, I don't ever feather throttles, however....that may have to change :bounce::banana:.
Once I have her back I will be contacting Fast Bikes (UK bike mag) who want to run her against a H2 :shocked:
Your bike is going to be a blast to ride for sure. Im sure you've seen theguy from Greece on his supercharged Busa (youtube). The thing is full on scary, and the power comes on instantly. I'd love to see a bike like yours and a bike like mine do a 30 mph roll on. I'm betting you'd pull on me hard.
Final dyno run 325.45 bhp with 160.62 ft lb of torque, graph to follow tomorrow but graph still straight, fairing to cut for supercharger now then put her back together and :race: woo hoo :drool:
Your bike is going to be a blast to ride for sure. Im sure you've seen theguy from Greece on his supercharged Busa (youtube). The thing is full on scary, and the power comes on instantly. I'd love to see a bike like yours and a bike like mine do a 30 mph roll on. I'm betting you'd pull on me hard.

Yes Ive seen it and that would be cool Jonn, there's a guy round here with a turbo R1 and I asked him to have a run with me before I had it supercharged and he declined, I'm mad apparently, I prefer fast but safe :lol:
Haha I tend to ride pretty fast Steve but I'm NOT a wheelie king coz if you are wheeling you are feathering the throttle, I don't ever feather throttles, however....that may have to change :bounce::banana:.
Once I have her back I will be contacting Fast Bikes (UK bike mag) who want to run her against a H2 :shocked:
Oh we are going to need a link to that article.!
Final dyno run 325.45 bhp with 160.62 ft lb of torque, graph to follow tomorrow but graph still straight, fairing to cut for supercharger now then put her back together and :race: woo hoo :drool:
I heard bikes like this require a special seat with a cutout to accommodate the riders big canicas!!:lol: