When nitrous gets to hot the liquid turns into a gas I forgot the number its around 87 degrees....
This is one of the downsides to running nitrous in areas where the temps get 90+ degrees its not so bad when it gets to be 60 outside a heater takes care of that!
I hope you are running a purdge so you can get your PSI down to around 850 before you spray the engine.. If your tuned at 850PSI and you spray with a bottle PSI of 950+
you are running lean and possibly damaging your motor.
Man I have been spraying for around 14 years and have never heard that.... Here people run 1100psi in cars and 1000psi on bikes. I have a tune for 800psi and 900psi.. But I have only run at 800psi. I have seen the dynos for 1000psi. The make more power and more torque.
Not sure if you have ever heard of BOSSNOSS?
I was thinking of going this way back when I ran nitrous and battling with the high tempatures. Its interesting.
Thats interesting..
I run dry nitrous... right now Im fogging the box but Im looking to put the schnitz fogger plate on after rods.