Finally.the $64,000 question was asked

The real question is, who will pay for it? The answer: The wealthiest 2% of the USA. So if you make over $60,000 a year, get ready.


someone needs a remedial math class or simy needs to be better informed. The wealthiest 2% in the US make about 250k / year. Not 60k yet that same 2% hav about 80% of the wealth.
Posted via Mobile Device
someone needs a remedial math class or simy needs to be better informed. The wealthiest 2% in the US make about 250k / year. Not 60k yet that same 2% hav about 80% of the wealth.
Posted via Mobile Device

The problem here is this administration has continued to lie to the public about who will be impacted by the tax increases. Everytime he gets in front of the teleprompter...I mean TV, he drops the income bracket lower and lower. It's quite amazing though to see how anyone can still defend him or his policies. It's very entertaining. :rofl: Thanks for the laughs.
someone needs a remedial math class or simy needs to be better informed. The wealthiest 2% in the US make about 250k / year. Not 60k yet that same 2% hav about 80% of the wealth.
Posted via Mobile Device

Off on the numbers, but the point is clear. Obama and the Dems want to socialize America, stealing from the rich to give a free ride to the poor simply so the Dems can stay in power.


Rush is right!
You are already paying for health care, and health care is already rationed by insurance companies.

The problem is you can not run a health care system as a "for profit" industry. What incentive do insurance companies have for paying for treatment? Insurance company executives get fat and happy on your premiums. While making sure a hugh ammount of disinformation is spread about the government plans in order to get you in an uproar so they continue to make more money off of you.

As to whether the president will opt for the same health care as you. What a freaking joke to even ask the question. I have no problem with what is provided for the president nor his family, nor for the members of congress. Just like I have no problem with health care being available to active duty military. They have enough to worry about.

WOW now thats about the dumbest logic I have ever heard. Why don't you visit an Indian Reservation and ask them how they like their government run health care.

You (and the liberal dems) fail to mention anything about TORT reform. Doctors order more tests than needed to keep from being sued and to cover their ass.

For you to say the military is a well run government organization is simply ridiculas! Yes they are the best trained force in the world but as far as managing money the Pentagon is HORRIBLY wasteful.

Hell the governent can't even run the post office without losing 7 BILLION this year. They can't even get thru 700,000 cash for clunker vouchers in a timely fashion and you want these people to manage our healthcare?

Please, move to Canada, their system is about broke and infact they are changing the law to let people buy private insurance again.

Open your eyes and stop thinking that the US government can solve everyones problems.
Great debate. Althou it seems to come down to who's information you believe.

Rush Limboob or Bill Maher. I'm Canadian,but watch Real Time with Bill,faithfully.

Somebody mentioned Canada's heathcare is in trouble.??? I dont see it.I'm getting knee surgery cost...just the 40 bucks a month I pay for 100% medical and 100% dental coverage for me and my family.Althou...if I didnt have a job,or was broke....I'd still be getting the surgery...for free.:whistle:

I love this country.:bowdown:

Bill Maher blows...I watched 5 minutes and I want to hurl.

You missing a HUGE point, NOTHING IS FREE
Everything costs someone something and it the terms of healthcare, it will
cost a lot of us a lot, maybe even a way of life.

You can not compare Canada and the's two different countries with
a vast difference in makeup. I know...well ship everyone on welfare and the
20million+ illegals up to Canada and see how well their health and financial system
bears the burden.

Not to mention Canada's defense budget is $28,000 and a snickers bar.