Finally Took Ya'lls Advice & Got A Lawyer

I think this is part of the    "Problem with the World".

  Lawyers getting rich.

  No more money for the blood sucking lawyers.
  No more money for cheesey insurance claims.
  No more money for those who haven't worked for it.
In generally, I have to agree with Rubba on a few points. But, in this specific case, I think that its Progressive that's trying to do the rear-ending. I'm sure if they would have dealt Jinks fairly and professionally, it wouldn't have gotten this far.
jinkster so what was the final settlement?  

I got rear ended and went to the DR who found nothing in the Xrays.  it took about 3 weeks of back and forth but ended up with a $2k settlement.  a newpaper delivery truck total the rear end of a loaner car I was driving.  I was stiff for a few days and had to go the drs and hospital for xrays.

They didnt make an offer for a while until I said that I had a lawyer on retainer
and asked for an official offer.  they said $1200 I said that my lawyer said that they could get $1,200 plus their fees.  so $2k was more reasonable.  they agreed a few days later. done deal.

Also here in PA your own insurance pays for the DR visits and Xrays! I guess they figure you wont screw with your own insurance!

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I dunno Jinks.

I think this is part of the    "Problem with the World".

  Lawyers getting rich.

I know, I know...yer all hurt an' stuff. Yer a big strong guy,an' yet now yer all fugged up. You got rear-ended.

 Now....  our society is about to get   "Rear-Ended".

   I dunno man...

I thought you were made of better metal.

 maybe someone should take a stand one day....

  take a stand and just say no.

  No more money for the blood sucking lawyers.
  No more money for cheesey insurance claims.
  No more money for those who haven't worked for it.
  I know, I know...   yer all banged can barely drive your "Worlds Fastest Production Vehicle"  you hurt so bad. You may have to take a taxi-cab to cash the insurance check.
Actually... you can still ride.  You can still do everything.

  Research shows...   70% of backpain is   mental...not physical,even've got a team of experts saying you have "Soft Tissue Damage"

  ya....uhuh....    I suffered soft tissue damage just last night...

  the drunkin kundt who hit you....  jail her for a long time.

   How much money should you reap from the insurance company...

   let your consience be the judge....

  I dunno man....   maybe we should all take a stand.

   an' just say NO.
Ya know that's great for 1940. BUT today you really can;t be the pioneer to say no or they'll walk all over you PERIOD. We are no longer a "punch them back" society. Our weak points are our wallets.

If he settles for less, he takes the pain and they walk away to screw over the next guy. The more you cost them, the more they need to charge thus lowering their clientel. These companies don't take profit loses, they pass it directly onto the consumer. If your insurance lowered last year its purely because someone else's doubled and they value your less-risk account more that the higher risk account.

Screw them for every penny they have. Their jobs will be passed onto whoever absorbs the company. The company will go on, Just under new management/owners.

It sickening that insurance companies are actually above the law. They know exactly what damages cost. BUT they'll barter and jew you for the last dime. Turn the tables, inflate an insurance estimate and they want to prosecute. Last I checked, fraud is fraud.

make sure you get everything you're entitled to, half of what the last guy didn't get and 3/4's of what the next guy walks away from so hopefully balances and checks can be made.
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>+1</span>
I dunno Jinks.

I think this is part of the    "Problem with the World".

  Lawyers getting rich.

I know, I know...yer all hurt an' stuff. Yer a big strong guy,an' yet now yer all fugged up. You got rear-ended.

 Now....  our society is about to get   "Rear-Ended".

   I dunno man...

I thought you were made of better metal.

 maybe someone should take a stand one day....

  take a stand and just say no.

  No more money for the blood sucking lawyers.
  No more money for cheesey insurance claims.
  No more money for those who haven't worked for it.
  I know, I know...   yer all banged can barely drive your "Worlds Fastest Production Vehicle"  you hurt so bad. You may have to take a taxi-cab to cash the insurance check.
Actually... you can still ride.  You can still do everything.

  Research shows...   70% of backpain is   mental...not physical,even've got a team of experts saying you have "Soft Tissue Damage"

  ya....uhuh....    I suffered soft tissue damage just last night...

  the drunkin kundt who hit you....  jail her for a long time.

   How much money should you reap from the insurance company...

   let your consience be the judge....

  I dunno man....   maybe we should all take a stand.

   an' just say NO.
Normally I'd agree with most of the tough talk you spew...I'll be 47 years old in a couple days and despite having been given valid opportunity to do so several times over?...including an out-of-town elderly man and his wife totaling out my ZXR1100 by pulling out in front of me (making a left) back in '01?...I've never employed a lawyer to sue anyone for anything......ever.

But since these clowns at progressive wanna play hardball...treat me like shid....and try an pull off High Pressure Closings?....while I'm still hurting?...I'm making an acception.

Besides...It's flat out foolhardy for me to play doctor and pretend I know that one day my lower back will heal up just fine...and it's just as foolhardy for me to play shid-house lawyer and pretend that I'm smart enough to make the right call when dealing with insurance it would've been damn easy and appealing for me to just pocket some dough and call it a day..."THAT'S" the easy way out...but the wife and daughters might not think it too bright 10 years from now when daddys a grouchy, crippled up, miserable drunkard cause he's always in pain and can't lift jack squat so he always had to take crappy paying jobs because...he THOUGHT his back would heal up and signed off his legal rights for a $1,000 cause it was "immediate gratification" and....the easy way out.

My lawyer will earn her chiropractors are already earning theirs...and with x-rays showing a twisted spine and injured lower back I'd of been a damn fool to take peckerheads grand.

Everyone else?...thank you for your supportive commentary and well's much appreciated.

L8R, Bill.

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jinkster so what was the final settlement?  

I got rear ended and went to the DR who found nothing in the Xrays.  it took about 3 weeks of back and forth but ended up with a $2k settlement.  a newpaper delivery truck total the rear end of a loaner car I was driving.  I was stiff for a few days and had to go the drs and hospital for xrays.

They didnt make an offer for a while until I said that I had a lawyer on retainer
and asked for an official offer.  they said $1200 I said that my lawyer said that they could get $1,200 plus their fees.  so $2k was more reasonable.  they agreed a few days later. done deal.

Also here in PA your own insurance pays for the DR visits and Xrays!  I guess they figure you wont screw with your own insurance!
Yep very true, in Pa the motorcyclist carries and is responsible to carry medical insurance which would be repaid from the other comapny in an non "at-fault" accident. HOWEVER something else in Pa, MOST motorcycle insurance companies will only sell you "full tort" insurance policies. Meaning if you hit a biker in Pa, odds are you will be sued. Hence why in Pa, insurance companies are normally quick to settle biker claims. Its not IF they'll pay, its WHEN they'll pay. And every day adds interest, legal fees etc to the total.
I tried to be quite and mind my own business but.......I have seen this a million times in the business I'm in. I have worked for a medical clinic for the last 15 + years and I can tell you that those insurance companies will do everything in their power not to pay up. I'm glad you went to a lawyer - I was reluctant to do the same when I had an accident but it paid off in the end and I don't feel like I was doing anything drastic. I hope you continue to feel better and get what you deserve!!! They say 3x your expenses is what they will offer you initially but don't forget to add in any time loss for doctor visits ect!!! Just my .02
Remeber the golden rule:

"Do un to others BEFORE they do un to you"

F'em. They treat you like some crackhead, imagining all the rock you could buy with a grand. Trust me, backs are a big deal.

I imagine that you work on a concrete floor, which can be difficult with a nagging pain. All because of some drunk rich #####.

Get em to pay for some physical therapy. A turbo would provide extra g-forces which would strech your sore muscles. A thought anyway.

Sorry, Rub I have to disagree this time. It aint like the insurance company was taking a caring and respectful approach. It's not like Jinks is dealing with some local agent that you see around town and offers decency. It's some weasel sitting in a cubicle somewhere trying to get some bonus check for screwing Jinks.

Go get 'em Jinks, Chris
Jinks I hope you get to feeling better. My wife and I are praying for you in this situation.

Now on the other hand I wish you could sue the individual and make them pay out of their pocket. That Bi$%H should have to suffer for doing what she has done to you. I know that is not how it works ;and the insurance will end up paying but she should be the one paying not the insurance.

Now it is nice to have insurance for these kind of accidents but this kind of crap leads to everyones pockets and hurts us all in the end.

I support you in what you are doing I just wish she could be made totally responsible financially for your pain and suffering. Good luck and keep us posted.
Interesting debate.....

I would settle for the ladie's insurance (and any future insurance companies)covering my medical bills and my car damage. That's all.

I rear-ended a lady once...she was kind enough to not claim against my insurance. Karma would ask me to return the favor later on, though.

I had a friggin college professor nail me because he wasn't looking. Ended up jacking the transmission in my truck...which in turn led to me selling it for far less than it was worth.

I didn't claim on his insurance, though...I figured return the karmic favor, although I really wanted to square away every penny I could from him.

I hope I made the right decision....
Pac you are a good man. It would be hard to do something like that and I commend you for what you did. If we had more people in the world like that the world would be a better place.
Jinks, the whole purpose of insurance is to take care of these situations and take care of the damages and injuries...soooo...use it.
About the chiro...good thing you are getting treatment now (soon). I had neck/shoulder injuries that I left untreated for about 5 months before seeing a chiro. My whole body had started to contort and twist to compensate for the pain so even areas not injured in the fall were affected. The clincher though was it took me about 6 months of treatments to get "straightened out" and the chiro told me there is a "rule of thumb" that the treatment time will approximate the delay before seeking treatment, in other words take care of it right away as you are now.

Pacbusa, I could not agree LESS with your post. Were you loaded when you rear-ended the lady you mentioned? This bimbo should be doing jail time and Jinks should ream her for what he can....maybe she will catch on with time on her hands to consider.
Your election to not report or file just gets the insurance companies off the hook for coverage you paid for...not the time to be a "gentleman".

Good luck with the treatments and the settlement Jinks,

Pacbusa, I could not agree LESS with your post. Were you loaded when you rear-ended the lady you mentioned? This bimbo should be doing jail time and Jinks should ream her for what he can....maybe she will catch on with time on her hands to consider.
Your election to not report or file just gets the insurance companies off the hook for coverage you paid for...not the time to be a "gentleman".
Nope, not loaded. I agree with you that the lady in Jink's scenario should be punished, but I don't think it should be overboard.

Now if she's a belligerent P.O.S., then by all means...drain the b***h dry.

As for the coverage, thankfully it was at a minimum. My parents were paying for it at the time, and I didn't want to add another financial burden to their backs.

Kinda messed up, though....even if it's not your fault, the insurance company will still raise your premiums. Even moreso if it ends up being your fault.

I hear what you're saying though. I'm just thinking that somewhere down the line karma will either be nice to either my family or someone who I really care for.

So far, it hasn't let me down yet.
I dunno Jinks.

I think this is part of the    "Problem with the World".

  Lawyers getting rich.

I know, I know...yer all hurt an' stuff. Yer a big strong guy,an' yet now yer all fugged up. You got rear-ended.

 Now....  our society is about to get   "Rear-Ended".

   I dunno man...

I thought you were made of better metal.

 maybe someone should take a stand one day....

  take a stand and just say no.

  No more money for the blood sucking lawyers.
  No more money for cheesey insurance claims.
  No more money for those who haven't worked for it.
  I know, I know...   yer all banged can barely drive your "Worlds Fastest Production Vehicle"  you hurt so bad. You may have to take a taxi-cab to cash the insurance check.
Actually... you can still ride.  You can still do everything.

  Research shows...   70% of backpain is   mental...not physical,even've got a team of experts saying you have "Soft Tissue Damage"

  ya....uhuh....    I suffered soft tissue damage just last night...

  the drunkin kundt who hit you....  jail her for a long time.

   How much money should you reap from the insurance company...

   let your consience be the judge....

  I dunno man....   maybe we should all take a stand.

   an' just say NO.
Normally I'd agree with most of the tough talk you spew...
yup me an' all my tuff talk...THAT I SPEW...

like beatin' kids up at gas stations....shid like that .

So what yer sayin' is yer back might be real fugged later on down the road.
So yer not willing to settle for a grand or 2.
But if its 5 grand, or ten....then you'll swap yer possible future pain,suffering,and loss of mobility for a bit more cake.

I wish that one day this whole....
"My Lawyer is gonna kick yer lawyers azz"....mentality goes away.

yup.... my thinkin' is 1940.

Yer gonna sue her insurance...
Which just happens to be your insurance carrier...
So in essence...
you're suing yerself...

'cause the insurance companies don't lose.
the shareholders don't lose.
the gub'ment don't lose.

Only one's who are gonna lose on this one are the folks that buy insurance from this company. (increased rates)

folks like you....

o well, just a thought... or as you put it....more spew.

sweet dreams. by the way.... you know the rest....
I dunno Jinks.

I think this is part of the    "Problem with the World".

  Lawyers getting rich.

I know, I know...yer all hurt an' stuff. Yer a big strong guy,an' yet now yer all fugged up. You got rear-ended.

 Now....  our society is about to get   "Rear-Ended".

   I dunno man...

I thought you were made of better metal.

 maybe someone should take a stand one day....

  take a stand and just say no.

  No more money for the blood sucking lawyers.
  No more money for cheesey insurance claims.
  No more money for those who haven't worked for it.
  I know, I know...   yer all banged can barely drive your "Worlds Fastest Production Vehicle"  you hurt so bad. You may have to take a taxi-cab to cash the insurance check.
Actually... you can still ride.  You can still do everything.

  Research shows...   70% of backpain is   mental...not physical,even've got a team of experts saying you have "Soft Tissue Damage"

  ya....uhuh....    I suffered soft tissue damage just last night...

  the drunkin kundt who hit you....  jail her for a long time.

   How much money should you reap from the insurance company...

   let your consience be the judge....

  I dunno man....   maybe we should all take a stand.

   an' just say NO.
Normally I'd agree with most of the tough talk you spew...
yup me an' all my tuff talk...THAT I SPEW...

  like beatin' kids up at gas stations....shid like that .

 So what yer sayin' is yer back might be real fugged later on down the road.
 So yer not willing to settle for a grand or 2.
But if its 5 grand, or ten....then you'll swap yer possible future pain,suffering,and loss of mobility for a bit more cake.

  I wish that one day this whole....
"My Lawyer is gonna kick yer lawyers azz"....mentality goes away.

  yup....  my thinkin' is 1940.

 Yer gonna sue her insurance...
  Which just happens to be your insurance carrier...
   So in essence...
    you're suing yerself...

  'cause the insurance companies don't lose.
   the shareholders don't lose.
    the gub'ment don't lose.

 Only one's who are gonna lose on this one are the folks that buy insurance from this company. (increased rates)

   folks like you....

   o well, just a thought...  or as you put it....more spew.  

    sweet dreams.    by the way....  you know the rest....
um if your mentality is correct then why have my rates been going down the last 3 years? WHY!? Because as I explained before, when you mess up the insurance carrier doesn't like you anymore. They don't in reality want your business BUT for the right price, they'll deal with you. SO the more you cost the insurance company, the higher they'll jack the rates on those they want to lose as customers. Ever wonder why insurance companies cancel policies rather than just jack someone's rates? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THE RISK.

The more her claim costs
The higher she is considered as a risk
The less likely she is to be insured
The less likely she is to cause another accident.

So in reality, those who sue for the most are actually protecting those of us who are good responsible drivers.
I dunno Jinks.

I think this is part of the    "Problem with the World".

  Lawyers getting rich.

I know, I know...yer all hurt an' stuff. Yer a big strong guy,an' yet now yer all fugged up. You got rear-ended.

 Now....  our society is about to get   "Rear-Ended".

   I dunno man...

I thought you were made of better metal.

 maybe someone should take a stand one day....

  take a stand and just say no.

  No more money for the blood sucking lawyers.
  No more money for cheesey insurance claims.
  No more money for those who haven't worked for it.
  I know, I know...   yer all banged can barely drive your "Worlds Fastest Production Vehicle"  you hurt so bad. You may have to take a taxi-cab to cash the insurance check.
Actually... you can still ride.  You can still do everything.

  Research shows...   70% of backpain is   mental...not physical,even've got a team of experts saying you have "Soft Tissue Damage"

  ya....uhuh....    I suffered soft tissue damage just last night...

  the drunkin kundt who hit you....  jail her for a long time.

   How much money should you reap from the insurance company...

   let your consience be the judge....

  I dunno man....   maybe we should all take a stand.

   an' just say NO.
Normally I'd agree with most of the tough talk you spew...
yup me an' all my tuff talk...THAT I SPEW...

  like beatin' kids up at gas stations....shid like that .

 So what yer sayin' is yer back might be real fugged later on down the road.
 So yer not willing to settle for a grand or 2.
But if its 5 grand, or ten....then you'll swap yer possible future pain,suffering,and loss of mobility for a bit more cake.

  I wish that one day this whole....
"My Lawyer is gonna kick yer lawyers azz"....mentality goes away.

  yup....  my thinkin' is 1940.

 Yer gonna sue her insurance...
  Which just happens to be your insurance carrier...
   So in essence...
    you're suing yerself...

  'cause the insurance companies don't lose.
   the shareholders don't lose.
    the gub'ment don't lose.

 Only one's who are gonna lose on this one are the folks that buy insurance from this company. (increased rates)

   folks like you....

   o well, just a thought...  or as you put it....more spew.  

    sweet dreams.    by the way....  you know the rest....
I had another appointment for "Adjustments" and Laser Treatment this morning...maybe you'd like to make the next three appointments I have this week just to hear me yelp while they gently crack my spine back into alignment?...would that make ya feel better?

RSD...x-rays and a thermal scan of my back show I have a twisted spine and a considerable amount of internal bruising...I'm in a fair amount of pain but still making it to work...I'm thankful for the treatment I am now getting.

I'm glad that the under-handed, high-pressure tactics the claims adjuster tried to employ pissed me motivated me to take care of things in a more appropriate and fitting fashion.

Maybe one day when I toughen up I can learn to be just as wise as you...or?...NOT!

RSD...Gimme a break man...I already had to deal with a rogue claims adjuster...matter of fact?...I also signed the contingency paperwork with my kind lady lawyer today...and get this...her first mission in life is she's gonna try and get this jerks claims adjuster license pulled...he was way out of line to act, say and do the things he did....say...have you ever thought of becoming a claims adjuster?...for some reason I think you'd be good at it!!!

L8R, Bill.


keep us updated... would love to hear what the final outcome is... if they settle out of court or not.  hopefully they settle quickly for you and for what you want.

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keep us updated... would love to hear what the final outcome is... if they settle out of court or not.  hopefully they settle quickly for you and for what you want.
Clueless, I can tell you this...yesterday afternoon I told my lovely, young female lawyer (the first lawyer I've ever hired in my 47 years) that...

"I'm not looking to make a killing here...I just want truck inspected appropriately and repaired as necessary, my spine fixed back to normal WITHOUT me having to shell out a dime despite my $1,000 deductable or the 20% of medical that my own PIP dosen't cover. And, if there's anything left over for my pain, suffering and inconvienence?..then that's just icing on the cake..but I don't think that just because a drunk woman @$$ ended me that any of it should cost me a freaking penny."

She agreed...and is working on contingency alone....and just the fact that she's handling all this BS (dealing with progressives claims adjusters) is a great weight from my shoulders.

To all here...

This has been a great learning experience for me and I want to share the following with you all...

I've never been to a chiroprator (or a lawyer) before and after seeing and understanding first hand what it is the chiro's do I am freaking amazed...and sad that it took me 47 years to learn the usual...the hard way.

After seeing my X-rays and having it/them fully explained to me and having just two adjustment/appointments?...I have concluded the following....

1. Pretty much all the bones in your body eminate from the is the foundation of your bodies house so to speak...if it's out of alignment? are all the other bones of your body all the way out to your neck, shoulders and hips and adjustments to your spine will affect them all...including the muscles and tendons that struggle to hold everything in place.

2. The best analogy I can make know how your hands get all cramped up and your fingers lose mobility and range of motion?...until you crack your knuckles?...same thing with your spine (back & neck)...and if your middle-aged and never had it done before? don't know what you're missing!!!
"Head Checks" are a breeze for me now!!!

3. These "adjustments" are nothing that can be performed "surgically"....they can only be achieved through a good, credible chiroprator...something "Doctors/Surgeons" seem to rarely if ever recommend...some even dubbing such as "snake oil"....myself included...until a few days ago.

It still hurts and I have little "post adjustments aches and pains" as the other bones, muscles and tendons adjust themselves to the adjustments made to my spine's like I said...the best words I can use to describe it is...

"It's like the relief you feel when cracking your tensed up knuckles...except it's for your neck/back/spine."

as you gain mobility and range of motion.

And that's been the best lesson I learned through all of this...closely followed by hiring a good lawyer when claims adjusters try to get jerky with you.

L8R, Bill.


