Finally Took Ya'lls Advice & Got A Lawyer

Yes I asked my chiro to marry me, she turned me down...

Then she moved out of state... guess I scared her.

I highly recommend a chiro. They can work wonders.

Glad you are feeling better...

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I've had several careers in my life (currently I freelance as an Architectural designer) and an adjuster was one for 4 years in the early 90's. I'm glad you got a lawyer for your sake!!! The guys on the forum were right.
Many people have pain pop up down the line that didn't show up right after the accident. Other things start to hurt because of the immediate injuries too. That needs to be taken into consideration. Insurance companies try for the quick settlement to avoid those costs. If you fight for what your owed they drag it out forever so they don't need to pay the lump sum settlement and can leave the funds in thier investments.

I wish you the best.