First ride

Just be carefull, front end is real light with the extra weight on the back. Trust me on that one.:laugh: I know from exp.:laugh:
No problem with that. The kids have to get a little older first. We were both off today and the kids were at daycare. This situation won't happen often. I actually enjoyed her being on the back.

Thats how it is for us.She only rides once in a while since our daughter.Just harder to just get away. She has no problem with me riding.Sometimes I ride to where we are going. That is pretty much how we do it at Delmarva bike week.I ride she drives.I do miss the day long rides with her on the back.I even made the Warrior a solo, when she rides she rides on a phantom pad. Dont no one read into this.I love my daughter and would not change a thing.
Congrats! :beerchug:

I got my GF on the bike for the first time last weekend too! 1st for her and 1st for me...

Get pix --- it's cool to look back at them.

Let the good times roll!
wow so im not the only one, my GF is anti ME ridin bikes, but ive got here on the back 3 times, and now the rides are more than up and down the street and she now wants to go for longer rides, and loves to go fast, i told her im going to teach her how to drive it this summer, risky yes, but we started on the dirtbike:rulez::rulez:, i love it..........