Flashing the 08 / ECU Editing software for GEN II Busas


ecueditor v2.0 testerversion and flashing cable instructions are now available,now you can flash the factory ecu yourself.....
there is another programming software and flash module coming out soon that will please the more "advanced" tuners.....:laugh:more to come at a latter date....stay tuned......:bowdown:
ecueditor v2.0 testerversion and flashing cable instructions are now available,now you can flash the factory ecu yourself.....

YES SIR! Saw it TODAY too! :cheerleader: The time has finally arrived Guyz & Galz :banana:
Petrik and Crew have really out done themselves, I only hope theres some way I can help them "ALL" out in return! Guess one way is too SPREAD THE GREAT NEWZ, get everybody using ECU EDITOR! Thanks again GUY'z :bowdown: :beerchug:
Now were talking, I knew it would be just a matter of time. Great job guys.:bowdown::cheerleader::thumbsup:
ok, all you busa owners that have a pc/bazzaz/ign box/shift box/whatever else and guys thinking about getting any of this stuff needs to really look into the ecu editor. It's hands down :bowdown: the best approach on the market. To top things off it's FREE!!! :cheerleader:

None of this would have come about if it wasn't for Petri and others who have dedicated alot of time and effort for all of us.

Thanks Petri :beerchug: Now I might consider getting a Gen 2 Busa.
I have things in the works for hardware to make a plug and play device etc. The directions as stocker said are posted if there are those who want to build it themselves.

I ordered circuit board and a bunch of components today, hopefully about 2 weeks ish ill have some hardware together.
I have things in the works for hardware to make a plug and play device etc. The directions as stocker said are posted if there are those who want to build it themselves.

I ordered circuit board and a bunch of components today, hopefully about 2 weeks ish ill have some hardware together.

I am shure that greg will have you flashing without any problems,probally very soon.....:thumbsup: