Flying Swan Coffeehous first motorcycle cafe

Nice boots Santa! So the blush wine is how Santa gets the blush in "his" cheeks, I wondered.
First of all - what a GREAT, GREAT post all you guys !!!

Secondly, swan - will definitely check out your cafe one of these days. I live in Calgary and my sis/mother live in Vancouver, I jump on WestJet all the time to come visit, (in the winter of course - otherwise I'm jumping on the Busa !&#33

I know the Nakusp ride you speak of, - FANTASTIC !!! Pool table smooth twisties for hours and no vehicles - it's a biker's dream. Here is a sample of this highway folks - we strapped a video cam onto my buddy's gixxer:

Will check out your place later, Bandit
banditoo first of all that is a very big file 101mb even with DSL it takes a long time to get it to play. I just watched the first few minutes of it and I have one question. When you guys caught up with the truck why did he pull in to the oncoming traffic lane to let you pass him? Is this normal? If so I will have to remember that if I ever have the chance to ride up there. It would just be my luck that I'll switch lanes to pass someone and they will pull in front of me.
Nice to met you. Drop by anytime you're in town. This summer we're planning a Rocky Mountain ride. I'll let you know when maybe you would like to hook up with us.
You're so right about the Naksup ride. It's awesome. So ride safe and I'm looking forward to riding with you soon.
Oh, Cache..all those girls are single and looking.
That won't happen to you..not in Canada...I hope.
banditoo first of all that is a very big file 101mb even with DSL it takes a long time to get it to play.  I just watched the first few minutes of it and I have one question.  When you guys caught up with the truck why did he pull in to the oncoming traffic lane to let you pass him?  Is this normal?  If so I will have to remember that if I ever have the chance to ride up there.  It would just  be my luck that I'll switch lanes to pass someone and they will pull in front of me.
ha ha - no that is not normal at all !! If I recall, this truck was turning, the blinker was on and he was getting off the highway. Our road rules are 99% identical to the U.S. - so you have no worries about driving here. Just keep in mind if you drive in Quebec, you can't turn right on a red light - no idea why ??
You're right I missed the driveway the first time. It sure looks like he switched lanes to get out of your way though. I hate that no right turn on red law.
Oh, Cache..all those girls are single and looking.
Julia, don't tell me stories please.... you say they are lookin, then you show me a photo that drops me... is she gonna go to Laguna? if not, I will make my way up north to say "Hi,
." Serious. Hope you know how to make good bacon and eggs for breakfast, Julia.... gonna need to get replentished.. How soon you want me to come up? What is her name? Can she get on the board to talk??


Hi cache,
You're so cute. This is Anna Thomas. The girl that designs women motorcycle gear. Yes, she is single. She is 21 years old. Just finished university and yes, she's coming to Laguna. She will be setting up a booth at Laguna. This is her first year trying to sell her designs. Check out her website. It's new so there's not much stuff on it Right now she just having fun...cruising as I would put it. When it comes to men, she goes for that GQ look. She's a westside girl in otherwords extremely nice but with a attitude. If I open the cafe at night. She'll be there bartending. I might open evenings where there will only be girls that ride working the place. Anyways, I ask her to get on line. Right now she's in Toronto selling her stuff. But I hate to tell you...the girls probably got a line of men waiting. So I don't want you to get too excited but I will definitely introduce you two if you like. She'll be at my big event May 12/26. If you want to cruise up those days or one of those days, you'll get to met her for sure. I'll give you more details if you like.
Glad to see I can help you with something.
Nice to know all those details... (HOPE IT RUNS THE OTHER GUYS OFF!!&#33
... hahah..

I'm a bit older than her, but Anna looks like a mature woman. Good for her... line waiting... I'll get in line, but next thing you know, I will be scripting the waiting list.
. Not getting cocky, but everybody likes me when I'm in a friendly environment. I will come up soon. soon as the weather gets to our advantage. lata!
Hey cache,
I'm do a single girls night out once a month. I gather all my single girlfriends and take them out partying. I'm the only girl in the group with a boyfriend that's why I can organize these things and have fun. Anyways, February 1 is our next night out..we're going to the Sharks club Saturday evening. Think about it..they could be about 12 single girls that ride motorcycles out that night. I usually invite my single male riders to come as well. Not everyone of them but the ones I think would click. Would you be interested in coming up that weekend, let me know..or anyone else who might be interested. You can stay with me and my boyfriend, we've got a big place. Even if you don't find love, you'll make friends with other female riders that will ride down to visit one day, I'm sure....just an idea.
Here's Lauren with Anna designs. If there's any women out there that need sexy leathers this is the girl to look for at Laguna.
Well, she certainly is hot, and obviously talented and a smart business person. I would love to meet her, but I defer to the great Cache...21 is just a bit too young for me.

Why are the Gods so mean?
I'll find you someone older
OK, you promissed. But don't worry, i'm very flexible 25-45 works for me, but the 25 year old would have to be pretty worldly and mature, and the 45 year old would have to have qa lot of spunk. I guess if she rides, that would be a lot of spunk.

Thanks Swan. It will actually be nice to meet ALL your friends, and make new friends for me. If there is a connection some where, it will probably present itself.
