For Parents that wana take there kids along


Busa Rancher
Donating Member
My Hired man ran across this cause this is where he got is bike fixed at and plans to purchase one so he can take his daughter on some rides with him seems like a nice idea mabey a bit much but it's a bit of a safety feautre

Child's Riding Belt    

Better site for Child Belt

Family story about using the belt

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I think I know what this is talking about, sorta hard to get details from the link. When this first came out a long time ago my thought then and now is what a really bad idea it was. If you did happen to go down, you really want your little one strapped to your back? Just the idea of my 220lbs tumbling down the road with a little one strapped behind me is enough to give this product a thumbs down. Kids are pretty damned tough, I think it would be a much safer idea to just get the small ones some proper gear and if they hit the asphalt they will be better off without you landing on top of them.

Also, if your little one cannot hold on by themselves then they shouldn't be riding on the back at all...

I was thinking Corbins backrest would be a really good idea though...
I agree with ya there Revils i don;t think this should be used out on the highway or major traveling but it could my hired man just rides with her around our small town of 800 people and well with the belt and just putting around he would no longer worry about her accidently falling off in that aspect i think it's a great idea
Actually how about a Childseat/tankbag kinda thing?  Just attach a locking ring to yer kids Butt and snap him or her onto the tank...  Give em a Heads up view!!!  

Yeah, town of 800... prolly be just fine...  Didn't mean to be too harsh...  

What about an adapter for my Tank bag idea that could fit a Car seat.  Hey it would be safe right?  Have them facing you?  Little 8 month old?   Now that would trully give some busy body neighbor lady fits wouldn't it?  

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Sort of good idea, but I'm with Rev...what happens when you go down and your kid's attached to you?

I can't wait to take my boys riding, but I am nervous as hell about it already...and I've got years to prepare myself!
Rev none takin kinda sheltered life out here ya can say next biggest town is like 1300 people and it's 30 miles away heck me and my hired man had the only sportbikes in town but now i've gotten some of the younger highschoolers interested and one just bought a nice used hurricane to get started on can't wait for the local barny Fif to find out he thinks i was problems
I like the one with the hand grips, I can strap my son to my back, walk around and he can make motor sounds, LOL!

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It's a nice concept, but like Rev said I agree, I am just a lil leary about taking a fall with a lil one strapped to me.