Parents....need your input...

It's parental perogative, there are a million kids that I would like to be able to disclipline around here, however they have parents. Just because I don't like the way they do some things doesn't give me the right to go WWF on their parents. Fuel to the fire absolutely, take a recorder and smile everytime you drive by, the next time she accost you just yes maam and no maam, ride off, make a copy of the tape and send it to her, her neighbors, her kids, everyone in her neighborhood just to show them how she really is..... See thats the type of guy I am...

Hey TB you are doing a fine job as a parent. Keep up the good work. I would suggest talking to your son and letting him know that the lady really crossed the line.[/QUOTE] Hey Scotty the way she acted I wouldn't call her a lady...LOL
Yeah What he said...


I would also like to add that this type of self rightous, self-important, empty headed, mouth breathing, SUV driving fuggin "HOMEMAKER" is the bane of my existance.  Forget about the drunk drivers, ignore the high school kids, it's this breed of ignorant sh!thead that’s dangerous… makes my blood boil... These jackasses are what is wrong with America, and they are freakin spooky... babbling into their phones about their little average brats latest test score, or what happened last night on fuggin survivor.  Weaving in their lanes, tailgating, not using mirrors, on and on.  It’s getting close to the point where I start spraying brake fluid and pepper spray...

Pointless little idiots feeling important cause they are in a big vehicle, busily filling their little heads with mass market media and "Approved by Oprah" thought.  FUG EM'

OH and have you had one of these empty headed oxygen wasters give you the finger for their screw up?  Oh yeah, that’s brilliant...  Soggy, short haired, little housewife giving folks the finger...  Ah well, at least I can be happy in the knowledge that soon enough they will wind up getting themselves seriously beat to hell for running their mouths and thinking that there will not be consequences for their rudeness...

Am I going off?  Oh Yeah, but damnit… the fact that this is what “societyâ€￾ is coming to makes me kinda ill.  I mean schools give out stickers for “My child is a Super Citizenâ€￾ or the “I have a super kid at BLAH BLAH Elementaryâ€￾  WTF?  Why not just say “I am damning my kid to a mediocre existenceâ€￾?  Yeah I am being harsh, but when most of us were growing up, we weren’t “Superâ€￾ anything.  If we were in a Karate meet and we got eliminated early guess what NO FUGGIN TROPHY, NO NOTHING!!!  But damnit, we learned that loosing sucks and we gotta work harder.  My little nephew is a “Black Beltâ€￾ in Taekwondo, yeah…an eight year old blackbelt…  OK whatever…  But what kills me is that no matter how bad a kid screws up during a competition, EVERYONE walks outta there with a freaking ribbon or a trophy…  â€œSo no one feels badâ€￾  WTF?     GRRRRRR…. And it’s parent’s like the one TboneBusa ran into this morning that really think this is a good idea…  ARRRRGH!!!!

Sorry… I gotta go kick a Puppy or something…  GRRRRR…..


Tbone, Good work man very well done….  Now find out where the dipsh!t lives and pay a visit with some Paint remover, or Brake Fluid and spell out  â€œIGNORANT BITCHâ€￾ on the hood of her freaking vehicle and anywhere else you deem proper…

Oh and like others here... I grew up on the back of a bike, noth my Granddads, my uncles 3 of em, and my dad.  I was allways on the back of a bike...  Yeah...
 Usually a Harley...

But they are some of my best childhood memories... Good times... If junior likes it, don't ever stop...

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Interesting exchange, you did well in keeping your cool.

My kids are a bit older, 17 and 16. My son has his license, he is 17 soon to be 18.
I never did ride them on the back of my bike when they were younger. Did not have one when they were that age, it did not fit into the budget. (can you have a budget with no money?). My kids and I did something very similar to it.  

I rode them on the back of my bicycle to school for several years. Yes no motor, but we were on a moving 2 wheeler, in traffic, they had a helmet on, but a helmet that was much less protective I might add. On a bicycle there is very little ability to "get ot of harms way" if needed. We probably did less than 20 mph at all times, but how is that much different than what you are doing?  We read about a bicycler getting hit by a cager all the time, may times with very unfortunate results.
Nobody complains about a kid on the back of a bicycle, and I see many parents not very safe with their kids on bikes.

I would say her spinning the tires in the school parking lot would be someting I would be very concerned about, tomorrow get her plate and report her to the school  

Anyway I see kids on the back of bikes a lot around here, always with a helmet, usually long pants.
It is kind of like owning a gun, I guess.  As long as you teach respect for it, it should bring enjoyment to you.
Most do not understand that aspect.
Guns don't kill people and motorcycle rides are not all bad irresponsible people.

Sounds like you are teaching your kids properly.
Keep up the good work.

Ride safe
I have a 10 yr old girl and a 12 yr old son. They love riding the bike. I never take them out of town. Too much could happen that is out of my control. I think they feel like they are showing off riding it. If any parent would say something to me about it I would tell them to mind their own business.
Well, you wanted a woman's perspective so I shall oblige you..

First of all, let me commend you on how you handled the situation. I don't know if I would have been able to let it go right there. (CAT FIGHT!) Ha Ha Ha!! Explaining to your son this evening will be a good thing. The example you set for him is priceless and will stay with him through his years......

As far as endangering him?? I don't think so. The conditions and environment were suitable for a cool ride with Pops!! That too will be a memorable moment that he'll always cherish. I ride my son on my bike all the time and he loves it. He's older than your son but like yourself I try to make sure the conditions are optimal for reduced risk and I try (TRY) not to go too fast. Even with him on the back saying HIT IT MOM!!!

You never know what was motivating the "Enraged Mom". Perhaps she has lost a love one in a motorcycle accident and just loses it when she sees them, who knows? But whatever the case is, she had no right to go off on you like that. I would mention it to the school officials and report her burning rubber and endangering other students. But for the most part, let her attitude just slide off your back.... She has her own issues to deal with. Just protect your self by letting the school know in case she comes in with some crazy exaggerated story of you popping wheelies and running stop signs with your scared to death child on the back.....

Good for you in handling your situation in the manner that you did. Keep riding your son and enjoy the time together. They grow up so fast!!!!

Peace & blessings....


P.S. Put some pants on that boy when he rides so he knows the importance of proper gear when riding. Just ask PacMan about that one!! It's a tough lesson to learn the hard way!!!
I would have pointed out to her that while he may be riding a 'dangerous' vehicle and that you are irresponsible, you are teaching him to ride safely and with sense. Something that we have all been at fault with at some point in our riding careers. Smile the next time you see her and say a prayer for her family if she is that easily upset.
Some people are just fanatical about things and can't see any difference in circumstances. I can't see anything wrong with taking your child to school on the 'Busa. You weren't doing anything illegal and were certainly taking the necessary precautions. You definitely handled the situation very well, so be proud. I think she just needed to go find her man and as BACharles' signature says "Bend over to your front and touch your toes!"
She prolly sped off with the kids in the car, windows rolled up, chain smoking.. NOW THAT'S CHILD ENDANGERMENT/ABUSE!!
Hi Tbonebusa!

I am the wife of URIT... I was reading your thread and was shocked at what had happened to you and your son. We have 4 kids.. 19, 11, 9, and 7..The younger kids are asking to go on the bike all of the time! They love it! And yes, they are always wearing a helmet... They told me how special it was to them because it's something that we can ONLY do with Daddy!! Anyway, we live in a town where alot of people seem to just do things to impress one another. Example.... If your child is out riding her bike, you MUST have a helmet on... Same goes for riding their in - line skates ect....I grew up not wearing a helmet.... I fell, had bruised, torn up legs ect.... Guess what, I am ok! I don't make my kids wear helmets on their play toys... I think it's rediculous!!! It's a personal decision... If my kids asked for them, I would get them!

What I am getting at is this..... We are in a society that everyone thinks everything should be a CERTAIN way... It's crazy! Here's another example.... I bought a new car last year... It's a black 2004 Grand Am GT with the sporty hood , fully loaded, leather seats ect... oh yea and it's a 4 door.... And yes, I got the 4 door for the kids sake..... I get it home and the neighbors within the first few days are outside saying... why did you buy that?? Don't you think you need something bigger for those kids??? You need a SUV ... I could have gone off on them so easily.... But, I just looked at them and said, I bought it because I wanted it and I liked it!!! But, that was an eye opener for me... It made me realize how everyone thinks ( we ) should be or act....

Here's how I feel....I ( We ) only have 1 life to live as far as I know... HA HA... and I am going to do and buy whatever I want and whatever makes me happy.... My kids are happy and well taken care of.... I would NEVER put them in harms way..... They need to be kids!!! Have memories and feel loved!

You did NOTHING wrong! If I would have seen you pull up at our school, I would have been saying... That is so very cool! It's not like you were pulling wheelies and so on... You were giving your little guy a dream ride to school!

I have also found that alot and I mean ALOT of women don't like bikes.... and I have also found that alot of them have been on them and loved them.... But, don't think they are going to let their husbands have one.... They are babe magnets!!!!! I see all the girls checking my hubby out when I am behind him in the car and following him somewhere.... I think it's awesome!!!

Maybe she is jealous!! Maybe she just CAN"T open up her eyes and realize that nothing was really wrong with what she saw... I mean, it's not every day that you see a ( lucky ) child being able to get a ride (expecially on a busa ) to school!

And for the way she acted...... Im sorry to hear that... She is the one with the problem... not you. She needs anger managment classes! HA HA!

Keep doing what you are doing! It's priceless!!! Just be careful! That's a mom talking! And I' m sure you are!!!

I don't know if you read the thread where someone bought their wife a bike.....?
Well, I am looking at getting a GSXR 600.. I looked at other bikes and I just didn't like them....I fell in love with the 600's... Although, I would LOVE to have the Red busa! It's beautiful!! I know, some will say I am crazy because I havn't owned a bike.... But, here's how I look at it.... I need to respect that bike and learn to ride it somewhere away from the city ect.. and I will.... I could get another kind of bike.... You know, some are saying something more suitable for a first time bike.... or more suitable for a girl..... I say.... WHATEVER!!!! I can do this!! I want it!! and I will LOVE IT!!! And I can't wait to ride next to my husband!!!! We will have so much fun together!!!

My husband is supporting it also... and if he thought for one moment that I couldn't do it, he would tell me....

Hey, wonder what the neighbors will say when I am taking off from the garage on my bike??? Now, that will be something to write about!!!

Keep doing what you are doing!!! It's OK!!!!!

I rode my boys when they were about 7 give or take a year. I did the same thing never in traffic etc. Cosider this however, she was vry vr wrog in he approach, but what made her do it. Did she have a yongstr hurt or killed?? Did she know someone who fell off etc. You just do not know what goes through poples heads sometimes. She sounds like a very irrational person that you need to stay clear. She may actually cause an accident with her antics. If she has an out burst lke that again near you. I would report her, so it is on record.
My son's three and climbs all over the 'Busa.

He even got a 2nd degree burn on the pipe (scarred, still), and still climbs on top whenever I get home. When he's four or five, I'll probably have no choice but to get him a little electric bike or 50cc jobbie.

At ten? Hell, we'll probably be going cross-country together. This lady was totally off base for chewing you out. That was so wrong. You are a great parent, from all outward signs, and didn't deserve that kind of crap.

Whew...that makes me shiver. You're doing your job. Hang in there.

(...and to that lady, I would say...)

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I have a small boy too that I ride with at times. U handled this well by keeping your temper. In some state it is illegal to swear in front of children. She was disorderly by her verbal & driving behavior. Ignore her. The officer (Bullet) gave good advice. Record her verbal outburst if she wants to push it further. Show your son & others that U will not stoop to her level. Tell your son that sometimes grown ups “act badâ€￾ & say “bad wordsâ€￾…that dad is not like that & that’s not the way to be.

Well the boy’s riding attire? To me, rules are the rules. Full riding gear w/ pants, gloves, jacket & boots are required at all times. I would perhaps get a something like a jump suit, boots, gloves that he can take off at drop-off time & U can store back in a tankbag or something. This would keep all the critics quite about at least one thing & show the boy good riding habits at the same time. Plus, a lot of people drive like $hit in the morning being late for work. Be ready for even the short rides.
Tell her that her bahavior had a horrible influence on your child... that's why he ended beating up her kid during lunch.
Okay all you parents on the board....chime in with your honest opinion on this. First, the background:
I am 38 years old. I was raised by relatively strict parents, yet they allowed me to do a lot of "physical", baseball, raced bmx bikes for a couple years, had dirt bikes from age 11 or so, had "hot rod" cars as a teenager, etc. i came out okay, thanks to the love and direction my parents gave me, yet I won't deny I made some poor decisions at times...I never got into drugs, but I had a few beers at some high school parties, street raced a little bit, broke some bones crashing on the dirt bikes, etc...but never had a really "bad" period....I respected my parents because they were strict, yet also respected the fact that they allowed me freedoms to have some fun, too.
Now I find myself with a six year old son, and he is 100% pure boy. He loves sports, loves anything mechanical and or motorized, and has absolutely no fear of anything. He's big, athletic, strong, smart, and a pretty good kid. We spend a lot of time together, he comes to the water with me when I work on problem boats, hangs in garage with me while I play with the bike or cars, we have rc trucks we work on together, I coach his t-ball team, etc, etc...Anyway, enough background.
Well..maybe a little more background...I live in a newer, nice residential area. 25 mph speed limits, stop signs at every corner, no 4 lanes, no traffic lights, typical "planned community" suburban paradise. My son's school is about 8 blocks from our house, which involves about 4 stop signs to get to. My son love the bike...he shows all his friends the busa as soon as they walk in the door...and sometimes I take him to school on the bike. He has a properly fitted DOT helmet, and I checked with the local police to make sure there were no age restrictions concerning passengers(okay as long as they can reach the pegs, which he can). I would NEVER ride with him in traffic, on the freeway, in the city, or over 30 mph or so. But I do take him to school, through the neighborhood. We both wear shorts and short sleeve  shirts, and again, never leave the neighborhood. Well, today I'm dropping him off, and another parent (who I don't know) jumps out of her car and gives me the verbal beating of my life. She tells me I'm irresponsible, not qualified to be a parent, should be arrested for child endangerment, and actually called me "stupid motherfu**er" in front of my son. Mind you, this was a full frontal attack, I never had a chance to utter a word for the first 30 seconds...I calmly removed my helmet, never raised my voice, and told her to please mind her own business, as our choice of vehicle was not her concern. She replied that she would be calling the police with my plate number, as well as reporting me to the school, as well as having motorcycles banned from the school parking lot. My little guy stood there as I told her to do what she deemed appropriate, yet kindly watch her language in front of my son. If it would have been a man cursing me out, I very well may have popped him one in the mouth, but cooler heads prevailed. She turned away got in her SUV, and actually peeled out pulling away from the curb, with 50 kids within 20 feet of her truck.
I stood there stunned, told Austin to go ahead and go to class, and considered my options. Honestly, I gave thought to chasing her down and giving her a sample of my well honed curse word vocabulary, but realized it would only fuel her fire. I rode home, parked the bike, and drove in to work, where I'm typing this.
Parents: Am I out of line for riding Austin to school? Again, this is the only situation where he will be on the bike...I wouldn't feel safe anywhere else. I feel that there is always risk in anything you do, and the best you can hope for is to manage said risk to an acceptable level.
What do you think??

Background: 29, two kids. 10 year old and a 5 year old. The 5 year old has been riding with me since he was 4. We normally just tool around our neiborhood and on the once rare occasion i took him on the freeway.. That was no fun for me so we never did that again.

Dont ever stop taking your son wiht you if he wants to go.. Just be safe. SHorts and T shirt thing i dont agree wiht but you cant stop him from riding. My brother was just in a low speed accident and got really fucked up.. Here is a pic of his incision.. Domain Gone
He was doing 35 around a slow corner and washed out the front... I have more pics of the bike, accident scene and video of the road we were on.. I will post that whole story later. My point is as soon as the accident happened i went and told my son that you are not ever gettin on the bike with me again, he instantly started bawling.. I just realized i cant stop him, i just need to take every percaution necessary... Thats all you can do also...

As for that lady, if you see her again, just smile and wave, or smile and flip her off...

Sum up, put gear on him, and just be safe and have fun.. Its cool having a little budy around who admires everything you do..
here is my little budy on my old Superhawk. Domain Gone Domain Gone
I'm not a parent but i'll say you handled the situation pefectly and as been suggested keep a tape recorded on ya and see if it happens again and tape what she has to say? i assume nothing really has been done or have you had a call from the cops from her? if so i'd explain what she did in return in a nice calm mannor and i'm sure your son and a few other kids would testify to what happened

and here is a nifty device i found that a friend of mine is buying cause his little girl likes to ride with him but she's only 4
Child Riding Belt