Does your child ride with you?

Personally, I stopped riding after my kids were born. I again started riding once they were independent and living their own lives. I would have been pleased if they never rode, because I know what I did on motorcycles when I was their age.:poke: My daughter rides a 600 on the track.:banghead: My son has no bike interest. :cheerleader:

In answer to the question, I guess one needs to decide based whether you can forgive yourself should something ever go wrong.
I'd love to start my daughter at around 12..then maybe get her own when she is 16 to ride with the parents...I wouldn't let her ride it to HS though. Don't know how she would act on her own and leaving a bike parked in a HS parking lot is asking for someone to knock it over!!

Someone pointed out that you never know what could happen to you riding down the road with your kid on board and if you could live with it.... That is what worries me. I had a friend that said he took his 6 month old out for rides to quiet him down.. (like a car ride) .. i cringed at that one a little.
my son has been riding with me since he was 6....and even now at 11yrs old he loves it when i show up to school on the bike to pick him up....
Here is my thought on the whole kid riding deal. There are a few "factors" to me.

No offense to anyone on the board, but far too often I see "my bike fell over in the garage", "I high sided going 20 - 30 mph", "granny pulled out in front of me and I ran off the road" kind of posts all the time on here. Accidents do happen and are often unavoidable. However, 95% of these kinds of posts are from people who have very very little riding experience and they immediately go out and buy a bike. If you are new to riding, a 600 can be the death of you real fast, let alone the king of the world busa. Your brain is all you have on a motorcycle, use it, far ahead of time.

My daughter is 13 and has been riding with me since she was around 5 to 6. The only concern you have from their standpoint is feeling their little helmet hit your back because they have fallen asleep riding. That happens to all kids, it relaxes them to hear the noise. That is a concern, plain and simple.

I have been riding since I was 3 years old on go karts and started at 4 years old on cycles. I am now 35 and have had probably 75 bikes ranging from dirt bikes, harleys, to sport/hyper bikes. I was for a period of a few years, a professionally licensed AMA supercross/motocross racer. I am as confident on my bike as I am brushing my teeth in the morning.

If you are a very experienced rider, you are putting your child in no more danger than you are driving them to school in the morning in a car. If you are a novice of < 5 years, that is a judgment call. Ask yourself, "what would I do if bambi ran out in front of me?" things like that. If you can't answer immediately, then you are not ready.

I have had more crap like that happen to me than I could tell you, yet I have only had one accident on a street bike and it had to do with two factors. 1) me following too close, 2) the dip**** slamming on their brakes so hard they went from 45 mph to about 2mph in the span of 3 seconds. A bike doesn't stop that fast and it sure don't help when I grabbed a handful of front brake and did an endo :whistle:

When I am riding, I constantly scan as far possible down the road anywhere I go to see if "grandma" is pulling out of her driveway, kids are playing in the front yard that might run out in front of you, pot holes in the road, broken pavement in the road, etc. You HAVE to do this or you are asking for trouble. You don't ride on the far outside lane in a curve, not in the middle, nor on the far right side near the edge of the road either. Yellow lines, built up oil in the middle of the lane, and the pebbles on the right hand side will have you on your ass quicker than you can call the insurance company.

Bottom line, if you don't jump on that bike when you ride it and know you are in 100% control, then practice riding some more until you do.

Ride safe
I am sorry but I have to give my opinion:

It is NEVER okay to put a child on the back of a bike. It does not matter how far you are going because as you make that turn around your block what happens when a car smacks into you and your kid is on the back. To me it is not worth even taking that chance with a childs life. We have 5 children and NONE of them are going to be allowed to touch a motorcycle until they move out of my house.

I don't want to offend anyone in anyway it is just my opinion. There are too many what ifs and maybe's out there also too many IDIOT drivers that DON'T watch for bikes!!
this is actually a converstaion that has come up quite often around here. my 2nd is 6 and has loved to go around the block with me for the last two years or so. nothing major, just a 15 or 20 mph cruise. the oldest is 11 and has zero interest unless the bike is parked and she can sit on it. the boy is only 3, but i hope that he gets the bug soon. maybe a little pw50 with the training wheels. hmm...

either way, be safe. sure you take some more risk on a bike than in a car, but you can't shelter your kids forever.
I am sorry but I have to give my opinion:

It is NEVER okay to put a child on the back of a bike. It does not matter how far you are going because as you make that turn around your block what happens when a car smacks into you and your kid is on the back. To me it is not worth even taking that chance with a childs life. We have 5 children and NONE of them are going to be allowed to touch a motorcycle until they move out of my house.

I don't want to offend anyone in anyway it is just my opinion. There are too many what ifs and maybe's out there also too many IDIOT drivers that DON'T watch for bikes!!

Busa, no offense but this is EXACTLY what I am talking about. I commend you for knowing you are not confident enough to prevent that from happening. Could a plane fall out of the sky and smack us on the melon? Sure, but if you see it you get out of the way.

You might be a good rider, but you still lack the confidence of a seasoned rider and that statement is case in point. Don't take that as a put down, it is not at all.
I've taken my daughter around the block in my neighborhood a few times since she was 6 but never out on the 'real' road. When she gets a little older I might, but only when she can wear the right gear. You do have to understand what you are risking, but death can come at any time and anyplace and you can waste your whole life away worrying about something, that frankly, is eventually inevitable.

We have the same discussion in skydiving - "would you encourage your child to skydive when they are old enough?" My wife who also jumps is against it, but If it could do for my daughter what it has done for me, then I'd be a very proud daddy to fly with my daughter someday.

I am sorry but I have to give my opinion:

It is NEVER okay to put a child on the back of a bike. It does not matter how far you are going because as you make that turn around your block what happens when a car smacks into you and your kid is on the back. To me it is not worth even taking that chance with a childs life. We have 5 children and NONE of them are going to be allowed to touch a motorcycle until they move out of my house.

I don't want to offend anyone in anyway it is just my opinion. There are too many what ifs and maybe's out there also too many IDIOT drivers that DON'T watch for bikes!!

sometimes its easier said than done , my son turned up at the house when he was 14 with a 125 field bike he bought , as he said its mine i bought it with my own money, i cant throw him out at 14 because i didnt want him to have it
Thanks for all the replies. I don't plan on taking my 6 year old for extended rides anytime soon. I especially like your answer Jellyrug. Very good point. I think maybe I'll wait until he starts first grade to take him to school and pick him up. It's only a another year away. I don't plan on taking him for extended trips out of the neighborhood until he's around 11-12 years old. (If he's even still interested in haging out with daddy at that age.)
My uncle started me out when I was 5 also. I remember helmets and jackets to protect me in Fl. I planning/praying my Daughter is a gear head and wants to ride with Daddy and as soons as she can reach the Pegs it is game on. She has shown an interest already according to my wife when she goes to start, my wife sits her on the seat and she tries to reach for the handle bars and "Tuck" behind the windshield. Can't wait to get home...
Hells yes.Id rather I teach him than learning the hard way. And please hold off the wheres the gloves comments. He allready wants a bike in the worst way. Hes been rideing with me since 5 years old.

My son started with me at age 5 and always loved it, some of our best bonding times were going for long rides together. Now at 22 he has 2 bikes of his own he's actually the one who got me interested in sportbikes!!:thumbsup:
my oldest son is 7 and ive taken him for rides since he was tall enough to comfortably reach the pegs (at age 5). only you can decide your riding experience, and your childs ability to hold on. my younger 2 want to ride with me badly, but they arnt big enough yet, but as soon as they are, they will. its true that you could always have some bad luck with others on the road, but you cant control that, and you cant live your life based on what "could" happen. i believe we should teach our children that. have fun, do all you can to be safe, and enjoy your life and what you love with your kids.
I ride my little girl quite often. She rode Saturday night for a good bit. I make her wear leathers and gloves too. She's 19 and 5'10 so she reaches the pegs nicely. :laugh:
He sure does. So does the younger one. They have both seen... uhhh, let's just say I'm sure they've gone faster than any of their friends... :whistle:

They both know - boots, jeans, jacket, gloves, helmet. All required to ride.

There was a time I could squeeze him behind me and the hump, but he's getting too big for that now (or it might be me getting too big) :laugh:

My son wants diving (Scuba) lessons for his 10th birthday so he can go diving with me. I think that's cool. :thumbsup:

I want my kids to learn to have fun responsibly and as safely as practical. But there is no limit to what they can and are capable of doing. Every activity has risk and the best you can do is mitigate them as much as reasonable possible.


Peter and Son on LE.jpg
you know texas had age for motorcycle pass, till this yr, they just changed it to 5yrs old!

i have taken my son down the road with me but not to to far , hes is 10 now , just not sure i want him on the back yet !

other wise i see no problems with it !
must have helmet, gear, and a seatback probably wouldn't hurt.

think im with ogre 100% on this one...

helmet and gear for sure.... biggest problem i have with little ones, is i dont trust them to hang on firm...

i almost wish i could somehow buckle them to ME...

i just know that kids can get easily distracted looking around and having fun, next thing you know the hands are no longer holding on..

i know when i am giving rides i feel the need to constantly communicate whats going on "k were gonna take off hang on" "left turn" "right turn"...

and while were moving ill have my left hand often to my chest feeling for their arm or hands...

i know i am probally a little over zealous with the safety.... but i dont know what i would do if i was responsible for losing a kid....