For those that knew....

Dear Doug

I'm glad both of your loved ones are out of surgery and are looking forward to speedy recoveries!

i didn't know anything either...will pray that both recover quickly and without any further problems
Doug I know this as been heavy on ya! I'm glad all went well. I will def. pray for recovery for Kristie and your dad. Stay strong Doug, I know it's tough.

So glad to hear they're both doing well! Continued prayers for a speedy recovery!
Wow Cap! God Speed to both for a quick recovery. Eventhough I'm 3,000 mi away, let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Glad to hear everything went well. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.
I'm glad to hear that they are both doing good and I hope they make a fast recovery.
Just got the word that Kristie is out of surgery and fine... She is in recovery and will be staying at the hospital until Sat.

For those that are trying to figure this out she had a full hysterectomy.

Also my dads surgery went well and he has no problems to worry about.

For those that are trying to figure this out he had surgery today to find out why he failed his heart stress test.....

This morning has been a very emotional and I'm glad that both are well....

I had Kristie in surgery at 7:30 at one hospital and my dad at another hospital for heart surgery at 6am.....

Glory to our God for seeing us all through this.....
Glad to hear they both came out fine.
Thanks all......

Kristie is resting comfortably (drugged) now but is getting a tad testy because they havent let her eat all day... Its been 24 hrs now and Im looking for a good flak jacket........

Dad is on his way home, they put him under and did an Angiogram (sp) and some other test. The docs came back and said they see why he failed his test but that meds can treat it... He was told that his heart is still good from the heart attack 4 years ago......

I will keep you updated...

Thanks for the update Doug, can Steve get a flack jacket for a loaner? Glad everyone is doing fine.
Glad to hear all is going well! Prayers sent for a fast and full recovery!