Tough Situation

Hey update (for those of you who don't know, I am JC's wife)...but that is a good thing. Jeff, myself and his mom are all headed up to the hospital tonight. So, we should have more to update on.

Thanks again for all of your prayers. Monday is going to be tricky as the possibility for Levi to go into cardiac arrest again is HUGE. In fact, they said there is no doubt it will happen at some point after the surgery. So, we are all on edge, but all on our knees at the same time!!!

Thanks again!
Hey guys...we just got back from the hospital (I kidnapped the computer and the boards). Levi is really sick and you can tell. He is currently suffering from congestive heart failure and is suffering from a very heavy cough. We did get some really cute pictures of him!!!

Jefferycarman and Levi


Cutie pie Levi! We even got him to smile!!!


Cousins - Christine (our daughter) pulled Levi around the hallways in his wagon. He really enjoys the wagon rides!


Levi and his mom Katie. Katie is SO thankful for all of your prayers!!!


We will keep you posted as we know more. Tomorrow Levi's dad is coming to spend the day with him (he has had to be back home in Hermiston, a 4 hour drive away, working while mom and son are at the hospital. If you think of it, pray for him as he has to be so far away) and Katie gets to spend time with their older son Colton.

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Newest news - 9/7/08

Levi's surgery is tomorrow, Monday the 8th, at 8am. They plan on finishing the procedure no matter what. If he goes into cardiac arrest they will revive him and then continue on.

It's going to be a long day. No matter what the outcome I want to thank you all for the support and prayers.
God, we need you to guide the surgeon's and staff's hands, minds and hearts tomorrow. They are there to do You work Oh Lord. Heal this child. Heal his family.
You in Your infinite wisdom, have created Levi for a purpose. We can see he has brought much joy to his family. We thank you and ask that joy continue for many years to come. May Your angels and Holy Spirit be with them now and always.
We ask in Jesus name.
reading through this, I can't help but to tear up. We've lost little ones on this side of the computer screen. I pray for you, your family, and Levi to all pull through!! Stay strong!
good luck and thanks for the updates.... never easy with little ones in such dire straights...
We're all here, Jeffery. Please give another update tomorrow after the surgery.

Until then...all the best.
Hey JC & Busawife! Your family has a cheering section here in Austin, TX. I know that tomorrow will be a stressful day, but if you get a chance give us a quick update.
God, we need you to guide the surgeon's and staff's hands, minds and hearts tomorrow. They are there to do You work Oh Lord. Heal this child. Heal his family.
You in Your infinite wisdom, have created Levi for a purpose. We can see he has brought much joy to his family. We thank you and ask that joy continue for many years to come. May Your angels and Holy Spirit be with them now and always.
We ask in Jesus name.

Dear Lord, Amen.
Good morning, all...

Just a 'bump' for the family of Jeffery Carman...

Now more than ever, they need our strongest attention.

Let's hear it for Levi's strength to get through this surgery.

C'mon, Levi! We're all counting on you!!! :cheerleader:

Good morning, all...

Just a 'bump' for the family of Jeffery Carman...

Now more than ever, they need our strongest attention.

Let's hear it for Levi's strength to get through this surgery.

C'mon, Levi! We're all counting on you!!! :cheerleader:


Scar - I am glad you bumped this. I was just telling my office mate about little Levi. He and JC's family are definately thought of and in some prayers this morning.
Thanks guys. We are 1 hour from go time. Surgery will be about 6 hours. They are estimating a finish of 2pm West Coast time. Will know more sometime this afternoon.
I don't know how I missed this thread, but my thoughts are with little Levi today. I hope his surgery goes flawlessly and that we'll hear good news very soon...

He's so adorable! Hang in there little guy! Prayers to you and your family.
God, we need you to guide the surgeon's and staff's hands, minds and hearts tomorrow. They are there to do You work Oh Lord. Heal this child. Heal his family.
You in Your infinite wisdom, have created Levi for a purpose. We can see he has brought much joy to his family. We thank you and ask that joy continue for many years to come. May Your angels and Holy Spirit be with them now and always.
We ask in Jesus name.