For those who want the Hayabusa as their 1st bike

I think along the same lines as 360.. If you use your head you can own almost anything. If you want to be an idiot and think you need to ride like the stunters on vids , ten you will be road grease no matter what you buy. My very 1st bike ever was a 1100 gpz in 82, I was 22. I showed the bike the repect required and had no probs. This 04 bus is my 1st bike since. Am I intimidated.......?
??....... you bet your azz, matter o fact it scares me a lil . Respect and common sense , those apply to almost everything.
See ya on the straights...... gsj
welcome 360 after growing up racing dirtbikes i went and snagged a busa and after about 1500 miles found myself laying in a field watching my baby flip end over end! i was confident and wammo!be careful, i would have crashed on a 600 though so no matter what you ride develope your slow speed skills to a point and youll be better off. either way good luck and ride safe!
the original post was like jan. of 03..

wonder if he.. and more importantly the bike are still in one piece?

.. err.. wait.. i said that backwards.. the bike... and HIM.. sorry.
I hate to rain on this feel good thread, but, perhaps I can save the life of someone contemplating buying a busa as a first bike... I don't give a hoot about being 'careful'. Yes, that works in situations that you control. It's that split second shiit that catches you off gaurd that fukks you up. Like a tire blowout, something darting out onto the road, in a turn to fast. Careful does not replace the skills developed by several years behind the handle bars. Show me a newby who won't chop the throttle or lock the front wheel when confronted with a startling situation and I'll show you a newborn that can count. Careful might be good enough to keep you from killing yourself. Nothing but skill will keep something else from killing you if it wants to. But, a stable and foregiving bike could very well be the difference between 'hello pavement' and 'damn that was a close one'. If your heart is on a busa as your first bike, yes, be careful. Just know that your risk of dying is a good bit higher in those situations that you are not in control of.