Forced to play Warcraft!


Chinese prisoners are being used as slave labour, in a widespread gold-farming racket.

Forced Labor "Gold Farming" Rampant in China - International Business Times

The former inmate, named as "Liu Dali" by the authors of a recent report in the UK's Guardian, stated that staff at China's Jixi Prison made considerable money from exploiting coal-mining inmates -- but even more money by "gold farming" or forcing them to play World of Warcraft to amass virtual gold, which was then sold for a profit of almost $1000 per day.

The chilling narrative depicted prisoners spending all day at the region's coal mines, and then all night at the computers that Liu said "were never turned off...we kept playing until we could barely see things." And the exploitation occurred not only at the prison where he was incarcerated, but "many prisons across the north-east of China also forced inmates to play games."

Why hasn't the UN condemned this inhuman practice?! :whistle:
So they farm fake gold gold in the game and sell it for real cash to other gamers? :rofl:

Farming in game currency has been around pretty much since start of MMO's. They spamm their websites ingame. Little can be done about them too :moderator:
It seems that Rift is already on a down slope. GW2 will be the next best thing out, and if it is as good as they say it is, it will be great for many years to come.

I’ve played wow for 6 years… Currently inactive ^^
I’m VERRY curious about guild wars… Lets see if they can pull it off =)
Didnt like gw1. Waiting for diablo to come out. Rift has a free week to try its also too easy. Already haVe a lvl 50 aNd two others high 30s. I never cap a char...
Posted via Mobile Device
MMO marketing has become quite a trend I see.
Even in WoW, which is the very MMO's name itself.
You can make lots of money on those things.
some punishment....

"You robbed a bank? Well, sir you have to face the consequences for your actions. For your sake, I hope you like video games..." :rulez:

I stopped playing wow a little after Burning crusades came out...i was putting over 40 hrs a week into it....i stopped one day and realized all the productive things i could be doing in that time.... Much like a drug addict i get a nervous tick when people are playing or talking about it :rofl:
