I like the way you think Tom... it shows the wisdom gained from a lifetime of real experience. The only point I don't agree with is the last one. While it appears on the surface you can't change things quickly... the fact that you take a position and don't compromise means your actions speak louder than words. Also keep in mind that speaking out gives others the courage to do the same. If we all align on the documents our country was founded on the rest of it will work it way back to where we should be as a country. . To borrow the Arkansas governors words... we will either choose crazy or normal as a path to continue on.There are times when I read something you say and at it's core I say you and I can agree on your point.
I believe we both believe that America is in decline. I believe we both believe that our political system is broken. I believe we both believe that our enemies outside our borders are the same.
For instance a very simple notion that you won't buy Chinese made goods. I concur. Now being able to actually do it, is far more difficult to agree on. I also have taken note of some members on this board echo what others are suggesting they do in the domestic civil war going on. They propose to defeat their domestic political enemy, by making sure they not get their $$. I'm reminded of the campaign that the media championed that if we didn't donate to or support BLM we would suffer being socially outcasted as racist. Guilt us into supporting that cause. When BLM imploded, they just move on to the next weekly cause. Never once apologizing or say they will do a better job at anything. For any of the board members that donated to BLM. Sorry but not sorry. You wasted your ammo. Keep doing more of that.
I have agreed to those terms of combat. I don't shop anywhere that flys thier political agendas I disagree with. Example. I have not purchased one Nike product since they endorsed Kaepernick. Nor will I support any cause he is a part of. If it's advertised on CNN I won't buy it. CNN has ratings problems now. There is satisfaction in that. They paid damages to Sandmann. ALL GOOD.
In short I may not be able to defeat them on my own. But it leaves me more capital to spend on the things I think do.
And then I watch. Nike stock dropping? Good. I'll buy puts and make $$ on that trend. Nike will never benefit from my $$ if I can help it. My list grows. If they want economic war. Bring it.
You want my taxes? I won't give up anymore than I have to. Nobody in my govt is working for me anymore. Let the Libtards pay all the taxes. They will pay more than I will since we are declaring a proxy war on each other.
Where I think we begin to veer away from each other is what we use to justify our points. And its not personal. The internet has been a double edged sword. People use it as credible because that is exactly how they present it. In the absence of leadership, they seek it out somewhere. The internet has become a convenient flood of National Enquirer tabloids.
I have been in the middle of what is now being taught as history. What they teach as accurate history is nothing close to what I was in the middle of.
So by and large I tune out what I can't change. The machine that runs things is bigger than me. I just try and keep it from running over me.
Looks to me the "Woke" crowd is taking it on the chin pretty often these days as school boards members guilty of distributing porn in the classroom got the ultimatum... resign or get charged with distributing pornograhic material to children... they have a choice. We will find out one of 2 things... will they quit or choose to get charged?