Free laser Jammer


It came on my bike and my local pd does not use it so I am giving it to someone who can use it. The front sensor is built into my wind screen so we will have to trade windscreens. The laser jammer and the windscreen are both in excellent condition. My windscreen is a zero gravity. The only thing that i ask is that your windscreen be in equal condition.
are you wanting a zero gravity screen?....or will a stock one work?
Just called Justin and this is on its way to you

RacerV got dibs via PM guys
He wasted no time
thanks to everyone for responding
I will post some other things up soon :)
thank you for offering up a great deal to members:beerchug:

Now dont go and start taking apart that bike:laugh: Sonny put alot of time and efforts into it.:poke::thumbsup:
damn john you swift bastard! :laugh:
Nice deal though. Very awesome of you rongotti to be so generous
My pleasure guys, that's what its all about. Sonny gave me a killer deal so I would feel rotten trying to make money off of something that was thrown in for me. I told racerV there will be some splicing as I had to cut one of the wires but I think its well worth it, the reviews on it are awesome 4 and 5 star. I am going to get a radar detector if anyone has one they want to sell.
@Bluehaya I won't lol but Sonny definitely told me to make it mine :) I will put a pic of my license plate up soon :)
Posted via Mobile Device