Friend lost his thumb last night

yup... Safety first. I too spent way too many years working around aircraft and machine shop equipment with both the Navy and ANG.

The navy has a set of manuals called the NAMP, in short, ALL the rules in there were written because people (more than 1) did the thing that the rule says not to do. So what I always told NOOB's i sthis thing is written in BLOOD, do not add yours to the story here.

Risk awareness / Management is a daily thing in the Aviation community, it should be so in the Motorcycling communtiy as well.


Hope your buddy recovers quick.
All being said his thumb will heal faster without the reattachment (first hand experience, pun intended).

ORM is only effective as the experience that lies within the person doing the assessment. For example if you have never been exposed to pressurized lines hydraulic, steam, etc.. then when performing LO/TO you would probably not realize that stored energy goes beyond just electrical. This is what makes your post so valuable. Many people would not recognize the inherent risk of moving parts and pinch point locations, therfore not properly assessing the risk potential.

As a Safety Director I do run into this all the time with young inexperienced workers. So I do all I can to expose them to the potential risks and others mistakes.

I always liked the "ol timer that says "Boy I been doin' this job so long I could do it with my eyes closed" my reply was "by the looks of that left thumb stub, you probably did."

Sorry to hear about your bud, but he'll back in action before you know it.
(CorrodedAlien @ Oct. 27 2006,10:56) yup... Safety first.  I too spent way too many years working around aircraft and machine shop equipment with both the Navy and ANG.

The navy has a set of manuals called the NAMP, in short, ALL the rules in there were written because people (more than 1) did the thing that the rule says not to do.  So what I always told NOOB's i sthis thing is written in BLOOD, do not add yours to the story here.

Risk awareness / Management is a daily thing in the Aviation community, it should be so in the Motorcycling communtiy as well.


Hope your buddy recovers quick.
NAMP? You must be an airdale.
Very sorry to hear this. We can never be too safe, particularly when we become over confident in routine chores.
Man, sorry to hear about this accident I hope he heals up quick and they give him good pain killers cause i bet that mother is throb'in....damn that sucks good post though
It's easier to clean chains on bikes if you are left handed.
At least the way I do it.
Hope your friend heals quickly.
Sorry about your friends accident. I would not think of doing ANY work on my bike with it running. I clean my chain by taking the rear tire off the bike, placing a pan on the floor with about an inch of kerosene in it and clean with a parts brush and dry off with a rag. I spray chain wax on the chain before putting the wheel back on. May not be for everyone, but it does a very good job of cleaning. Hope your bud heals up soon.
im glad to see im not the only one that goes overkill with the jackstands
i even hate working on a vehicle when its on one of those big hydrolic lifts. once that car unexpectantly comes down, thats your a**
(heavybusa @ Oct. 27 2006,13:13) Well, I hope he heals okay. Other than that I am speachless


Man. I got the willies just reading your post, Ron. OUCH!!!!

Where's the guy that ran over his foot with his push mower and chopped off his toes? He was a full contact fighter, too, wasn't he? Shindo, I think his screen name was?

People get in a hurry and want to be done with it FAST. Human nature.

Still, it's pretty stoooooopid to put your hands near a running machine and the bike is exactly that.

What are we willing to give up to save a little time? A thumb? Some skin on our bodies?

Not that I haven't done my share of stoooopid things, but I try to be as safe as possible under normal circumstances.

(Wag @ Oct. 28 2006,13:07) People get in a hurry and want to be done with it FAST.  Human nature.

Still, it's pretty stoooooopid to put your hands near a running machine and the bike is exactly that.

What are we willing to give up to save a little time?  A thumb?  Some skin on our bodies?

Not that I haven't done my share of stoooopid things, but I try to be as safe as possible under normal circumstances.  

Excellent point of view. Everyone has done some scary, stoooopid things. Some of us were just lucky, some not. Great risk assesment write up. Hopefully everyone will take these proven preventive measures to heart.
WOW, amazing post............I must be an innocent, as it has never EVER occurred to me that some one could possibly be stupid enough to do that sort of thing

Truly amazing.
I guess the punishment fits the crime..........................
(candygram @ Oct. 29 2006,15:58) WOW, amazing post............I must be an innocent, as it has never EVER occurred to me that some one could possibly be stupid enough to do that sort of thing  
Truly amazing.  
I guess the punishment fits the crime..........................
You don't have to suger coat things here. Tell us how you really feel