Friends bike was stolen...


Friend from work had his 07 Gixr 1000 stolen from an apartment complex over the weekend. I feel bad for him BUT, He had only liability insurance so he has to eat the loss. He also could have put it in the garage but didn't do that either. Like I said, I feel sorry for him but WTF, a brand new bike with out sufficient enough insurance to cover if its stolen, and then don't put it in the garage for the evening...a real tool I tell ya.
I have liability only
Man I hate to hear about when someones ride gets stolen.. Not real smart not having it in the garage.
Good eye. Click on the picture and then click on it again for a larger view. Its a plastic standup TV channel guide for the stations you get at this motel. I forget where it was, on the coast of Oregon I think?.
I have state farm full coverage, a Faghettabout it locked to a cement parking structure. A disc lock on the back and it's in a communal parking garage. I'm terrified.