i could post a hand full of gory pics, but i will not. i will just leave you with a short story and good advice.
when i began riding, all riders rode in pac formation. well Ernie, riding his 68 sporty, had his bedroll and indian blanket bungeed to his sissy bar.
going down the highway at 85, and guess what, that darn bungee pops! bedroll on the ground.
Indian blanket right into the sprocket!!!!!!!!!
locked up and down he goes.
he lived, thank goodness.
Brothers and Sisters, bungee cords are dangerous. even bungee nets can pop and jump into your sprocket.
with all yall getting out touring this summer.
get 2 good quality rachet straps! put the rachet part behind you so you can check on it while riding. tighten it as the load settles.
you ride a $13,000 bike. do not trust your life with a $1 bungee! lease:
when i began riding, all riders rode in pac formation. well Ernie, riding his 68 sporty, had his bedroll and indian blanket bungeed to his sissy bar.
going down the highway at 85, and guess what, that darn bungee pops! bedroll on the ground.
Indian blanket right into the sprocket!!!!!!!!!
locked up and down he goes.
he lived, thank goodness.
Brothers and Sisters, bungee cords are dangerous. even bungee nets can pop and jump into your sprocket.
with all yall getting out touring this summer.
get 2 good quality rachet straps! put the rachet part behind you so you can check on it while riding. tighten it as the load settles.
you ride a $13,000 bike. do not trust your life with a $1 bungee! lease: