Frustrated with Smith & Wesson

Sorry to hear about the S&W Bodyguard. I was going to buy one but did not like the feel of it in my hand. Also new out the box the laser switch on it was not quite right.

But a S&W M&P compact and really like it.
I would take it back to wherever you bought it and ask for a replacement or a refund if S&W can't fix it. Honestly, you shouldn't have to send it back to them multiple times to work properly out of the box.

I'd tell them you want another or get a refund...
I would take it back to wherever you bought it and ask for a replacement or a refund if S&W can't fix it. Honestly, you shouldn't have to send it back to them multiple times to work properly out of the box.

I'd tell them you want another or get a refund...

I've never seen an FFL holder that would accept any sort of return on a gun. Once the transfer is complete, it's between you and the manufacturer.
So after the hammer drops and it doesn't fire what does the primer look like?
Good clean strike or a light one? If its a light strike it could be a couple things.
Chances are better something is wrong with slide machining and not firing pin.
The channel the firing pin goes into most likely is not as smooth as it should be or reverse side of breech face needs smoothing. Minor work but yes a pain in the butt the deal with on a new gun.

How easy is it to swap firing pins from your gun to hers to see if it works?
Maybe swap complete upper from yours to hers and see what happens?
If your slide works on her gun than problem is in slide assembly. If your slide doesn't make it work than problem is in her frame assembly. Maybe weak hammer spring creating light strikes on primers?

I had a pair of Ruger P95 9mm when they first came out. One worked one didn't. By swapping parts I found it to be a rough feedramp. Polished it as well as barrel chamber and it worked perfectly.

I asked if they kept a misfire round for me - didn't so I can't answer that.

Swapping the uppers is a great idea. Don't think I can swap the firing pins. REALLY COLD today but I'm gonna try to put a few thru them and see what I can deduce.
Yeah swap the uppers and see if her slide assembly works on your gun and vice versa.
This should help at least start to narrow down area of concern.
Good Ol Smith and Wesson. My first carry pistol was a Smith&Wesson SW40. It would jam one in an average of 100 rounds which I thought was good. Well I bought a Springfield Armory XD40 and WOW what a difference from the Smith and Wesson. I sold the Smith and Wesson and never looked back.
Wanting a smaller pistol to carry I went with the Ruger LCP and this gun is flawless and deadly accurate to be honest I cant remember the last time it has jammed.
If a carry gun jams I will sell it. The test is 10 full magazines rapid fire each round, no jam, its a keeper.
I have heard people say "You have to break a gun in" I call Bullshiz on that! If it jams out of the box it will jam down the road.

well your answer there is you went from a sw40 to a xd... thats like going from a 99$ .22 to a ar15 its night and day difference in quality
Check primer of unfired cartrdges... compare to the primers of the know good pistol fired rounds - I would think a defective firing pin spring - may be able to tell the difference in primer indentation. One the gun does fire - does it print accurately and consistently. If not may the chamber is out of spec...
I have several Glocks. This is for daily carry nice and small fit in your pants pocket.
UPDATE: Ok, so today I was going to carry the pistol in question to a gunsmith to take a look before I called S&W, but decided before I did I would put a few rounds thru them first to see for myself.

First, I took 3 each 6 rd mags, and put 18 rounds thru MY gun as fast as I could - zero misfires, no issues.

Then, I reloaded those 3 mags, and did the same with my wife's gun - interestingly enough, ZERO MISFIRES, no issues. Then I took shot an entire box of .380, reloading the mags and again shooting as fast as I could. Again, ZERO misfires. Not a single misfire in my wife's gun. I looked at the primer strike...dead center and plenty deep enough.

So I called the guy that shot with my wife on Friday, and asked him if HE PERSONALLY shot or experienced any misfires with my wife's pistol - "NO" he didn't shoot it. So I told him I think she's limp-wristing it; his response was that he watched her shoot a entire box with MY pistol with no misfires, but hers did. So the question begs, "how could she limp-wrist one and not the other?". I even tried to limp-wrist her gun (but it's not in my nature to limp-wrist anything) :)

I don't think there's anything wrong with the pistol, I think my wife's grip is the culprit. The next thing to do is take a box and both guns and her to the range, and hand her mine and say "Here's your gun" (she'd never tell the difference but I can) and see what happens....
Could very well be! But limp wristing takes a pretty feable and timid person to manifest. New shooters almost always pull shots low and left. But, I'd do the double blind test with her and see. Have her shoot what she thinks is yours and vice versa and couple mags. It's possible it's user error...
Limp wristing should equate to stovepipes and the like though, right? Not failure to fires. Hmmmm. Interesting....
Or, maybe it just needed a few rounds put thru it when it came back from S&W the first time...Gonna try and let her put a few thru it today, but it's only 25 outside right now brrr
It may be that the gun is settling itself in and starting to shoot. Walthers are famous for this.
Brpo had same idea I had. Swap guns. Give her yours and tell her its hers and see what happens.
Also try loading gun for her. Give it to her and make her think it's loaded ready to go but make it empty chamber. See what happens when she pulls the trigger. Is she flinching?

Forty something here so don't feel so bad
Already stated that swapping guns without telling her is a great idea. Oh, I know she's flinching Saiid she's shooting right and down of what she's aiming at. Part of that is because of the Loooong single action trigger pull. We'll have to see how it plays out. I think she can get over it with practice and confidence. She shoots my Glock accurately (much lighter trigger).
Limp wristing should equate to stovepipes and the like though, right? Not failure to fires. Hmmmm. Interesting....

True, but are we sure that her FTF's aren't actually caused by a failure to go into battery? That could certainly be related to limp-wristing.

I don't know this weapon all that well, so will the trigger still function as normal even if the slide isn't all the way forward?
I picked up a Smith & Wesson M&Pt ar-15, first S&W iv'e ever owned. Magazine it came with kept ejecting by itself:banghead:. I bought a few pmags and have not had it happen since. Got my fingers crossed on this gun. As far as handguns, I love my Kimber's
like i said run a couple hundred more rounds through it and i will put money on it the problem will sort itself out. These style pistols because of their size are known for problems until they are broken in... i wont carry one until its had 500 rounds through it... which i did the first night i got mine i took it to the range and put 500 through it
I've never seen an FFL holder that would accept any sort of return on a gun. Once the transfer is complete, it's between you and the manufacturer.

My dad bought a S&W .45 that did something similar. They order parts for it two times and it still jammed. The shop gave him his money back and he bought something else. It may not be the norm but the shop made it right... ;)